How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of dancers were at the restaurant where the Fannings took the Garcias?
(a) Flamenco dancers.
(b) Can-Can dancers.
(c) Polka dancers.
(d) Ballroom dancers.

2. What did the Garcias do each year to celebrate coming to America?
(a) They visited an historic sight.
(b) They did a celebration at dinner and the mother made a flan.
(c) They went to the movies.
(d) They took a trip back to the island.

3. What happened to Gladys when the parents discovered that she had something belonging to Carla?
(a) She was transferred to lawn duty.
(b) She was transferred to laundry duty.
(c) She was given a vacation.
(d) She was fired.

4. What happened to Carla's schooling after the incident with the man in the car?
(a) She dropped out of school.
(b) She returned to the public school close to home.
(c) She returned to the island.
(d) She was home-schooled.

5. What did the grandmother supervise religiously?
(a) Her daughters.
(b) The grandfather's diet.
(c) Her travel plans.
(d) Her grandchildren.

6. What was Yolanda's 4th grade teacher's name?
(a) Sister Theresa.
(b) Sister Mary.
(c) Sister Boom Boom.
(d) Sister Zoe.

7. When Carla was accosted on the way home from school, what kind of car was the man driving?
(a) A lime green medium-sized car.
(b) A Ford.
(c) A large black car.
(d) A Volkswagen.

8. When Carla approached the window of the strange car on her way home from school, what did she discover?
(a) That she was able to give directions without faltering.
(b) That she spoke English better than she thought.
(c) That the driver was naked from the waist down.
(d) That she knew the make of the car right away.

9. How did the other students react to Carla in her new school in the 7th grade?
(a) The girls teased her about her clothes.
(b) A gang of boys taunted her.
(c) The girls loved her long braided hair.
(d) They ignored her.

10. Where had the girls seen dancers before like the ones at the restaurant?
(a) In another Spanish restaurant.
(b) In Madrid.
(c) At the Domincan World's Fair.
(d) At an amusement park.

11. What did Sandi want as a souvenir from the restaurant?
(a) A fake flower.
(b) An outfit like the dancers.
(c) A picture with the dancers.
(d) A Barbie doll dressed as a Flaminco dancer.

12. Who scolded Carla and told her she should not be in the maid's room?
(a) Yolanda.
(b) Chucha.
(c) Mother.
(d) Father.

13. What happened to the Human Body at the end of the chapter?
(a) The dogs chewed the parts until they couldn't be recognized.
(b) It was put away in a closet and never played with.
(c) Mundin gave it to Yolanda and she played with it all the time.
(d) The grandmother took it away from both children.

14. What did Yolanda's 4th grade teacher tell the students about what was happening in the world?
(a) The Cubans wanted to kill the Soviets.
(b) The Cuban bombs were pointed at Philidelphia.
(c) The Cubans wanted to come to America.
(d) Cuba had Russian missiles pointed at New York.

15. When Victor arrived at the Garcia's and the secret police were there, what was revealed about the Garcia's immigration papers?
(a) That there were no papers.
(b) That immigration papers were illegal.
(c) That they were held up.
(d) That they had been cleared.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Carla reached the 7th grade, what did the nun at school suggest about her schooling?

2. At the beginning of the chapter Blood of the Conquistadores, who came up the driveway at the Garcia's house?

3. Who is Charito?

4. What was confusing to Carla as she entered the 7th grade?

5. What was the country's slogan in the Dominican Republic?

(see the answer keys)

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