How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lucinda look like?
(a) Like her mother.
(b) Like Yolanda.
(c) Like a boy.
(d) A Dominican magazine model.

2. At the beginning of the novel, how do the aunts and cousins view Yolanda?
(a) Like a hippie.
(b) Like a professional woman.
(c) Like a Peace Corps girl who has let herself go.
(d) Like a young Spanish princess.

3. What year did Yolanda meet Rudy?
(a) 1968.
(b) 1969.
(c) 1967.
(d) 1965.

4. What is tacked to the central post in the cantina where Yolanda stops?
(a) A poster of Palmolive soap.
(b) A Coca-Cola poster.
(c) The menu.
(d) A no trespassing sign.

5. Who was the father's favorite artist to see when he went to the museum?
(a) El Greco.
(b) Goya.
(c) Rembrandt.
(d) Monet.

6. How is Manual Gustavo related to the girls?
(a) He is an uncle.
(b) He is a cousin.
(c) He is a third cousin.
(d) He is a long-lost brother.

7. When Yolanda buys a personalized key chain, what name does she pick?
(a) JoJo.
(b) Jacob.
(c) Janice.
(d) Joey.

8. What kind of lists did John make?
(a) Grocery lists.
(b) For and against lists.
(c) Flaw lists.
(d) Lists of names.

9. Where did Lucinda and Mundin take the sisters to show them a good time?
(a) To an arcade.
(b) To a dance hall.
(c) To a cantina.
(d) To Motel Los Encantos, a whore house.

10. On the island, what was different about the patio where men and women sit and talk?
(a) The patio was segregated, men on one side, women on the other.
(b) The patio needed painting.
(c) The patio had uncomfortable furniture.
(d) The patio had a mosquito net.

11. What is Manual Gustavo's biggest flaw?
(a) He can't drive very well at night.
(b) He does not smell good.
(c) He does not speak good English.
(d) He is a mini tyrant.

12. When the mother was confronted by a salesclerk in a store, how did she put them off?
(a) She told them she cannot speak English.
(b) She did not put them off, but bought everything in sight.
(c) She told them she would have to talk purchases over with her husband.
(d) She told them she had no money.

13. In the American school, who was the Hoover girl?
(a) The daughter of J. Edgar Hoover.
(b) Eleanor Hoover, daughter of the mayor of New York.
(c) A girl on a poster.
(d) Her parents owned Hoover Vacuum Cleaner company.

14. What did the mother always call the girls?
(a) Her babies.
(b) By their names.
(c) The four girls.
(d) By the color of their dresses.

15. Why did Yolanda's parents become concerned about her?
(a) She started dating her teacher.
(b) She wouldn't eat.
(c) She talked all the time.
(d) She locked herself in her room and wrote.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who signed the papers to put Yolanda in a mental health facility?

2. Who was Yolanda's psychiatrist?

3. Who did the marijuana belong to?

4. What is the shape of the cake at the beginning of the novel?

5. What is the mother's first name?

(see the answer keys)

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