Galileo Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Galileo Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the "Very Old Cardinal" call Galileo because of Galileo's claims?

2. How many fixed stars does Galileo tell Sagredo were in the constellation of Orion?

3. Who does the Philosopher say is "Italy's and the Church's greatest astronomer"?

4. What does Galileo use to represent the Earth when explaining the rotation of the Earth to Andrea?

5. What does Ludovico tell Galileo were his interests?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Andrea questions Galileo about the Ptolemaic system model, what is Galileo's answer?

2. Why does the Inquisitor have the conversation between Galileo and Cardinal Bellarmin transcribed?

3. Why does the Inquisitor tell Virginia that Galileo's new picture of the universe was harmful?

4. How does Galileo explain the illumination of the moon and earth to Sagredo?

5. What does Galileo say fueled his desire to discover new philosophies?

6. What is happening at the opening of Scene I?

7. What is the relevance of the song at Cardinal Bellarmin's party?

8. What lie does Galileo tell the Senators about the telescope to secure his raise at the University?

9. What is the significance of Galileo telling the Court Clerks of the "new way" to play chess?

10. Why does the Curator refuse to give Galileo the raise that he requests for his work as a mathematician at the University?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Many times, Galileo implied that a woman's place was not in the scientific world. Find at least two examples and discuss how these thoughts contradicted Galileo's teachings using textual evidence from the play.

Essay Topic 2

Two of the scientific instruments/discoveries that Galileo made were concepts derived by other people. Discuss what kind of person/scientist that made Galileo. Do you think that science is a constantly evolving theory? Can discoveries be made by one person alone? Or did Galileo have the right, as a scientist, to "better" what had been made/speculated on to that point?

Essay Topic 3

"I am entirely in agreement with the position taken up by Cardinal Spoletti towards the mutinous rope-makers, namely, that it is better to dole out soup in the name of Christian brotherly love than to pay them more for their" hawsers and bell-ropes. For surely it must be wiser to fortify their faith rather than their greed. The Apostle Paul said: Charity aboundeth." Galileo made the following statement in response to a question posed by Monsignor Carpula for the archbishop. After making the statement, Galileo worried if one could see any irony in the statement. Discuss the possible irony that Galileo worried about. What could one find that was ironic in the statement? Why could this be considered ironic? What trouble would it cause for Galileo if one did find irony in the statement?

(see the answer keys)

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