Galatea 2.2 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Richard Powers
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Galatea 2.2 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Richard Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Richard think about after the scene of Philip Lentz's experiment?
(a) The text Lentz chose.
(b) The sadness of being human.
(c) The abilities of robots.
(d) His first year with C.

2. What does Richard decide in response to his discovery that Lentz deceived him?
(a) Never to trust Lentz again.
(b) Not to work on Lentz's project any further.
(c) To tell the administration at the center about Lentz's deceit.
(d) Not to let Lentz handle money.

3. Why has this person come to talk to Richard in Section II?
(a) To support Philip Lentz's theories.
(b) To sooth his loneliness.
(c) To enlist him in arguing against Philip Lentz.
(d) To put Philip Lentz in his place.

4. How did Richard and C. handle the cold when they lived together?
(a) By making love.
(b) By cooking soups.
(c) By reading stories.
(d) By burning manuscript pages.

5. Where is Richard taking a position?
(a) At the Center for the Study of Advanced Sciences.
(b) At the Los Alamos lab.
(c) At the Museum of Natural Science.
(d) At Fermilab.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Richard say was a mother's consolation prize?

2. For how long were Richard and C. happy together?

3. Why does C. not join Richard in his plans?

4. What does Richard think about Diana's part in Philip Lentz's work?

5. About what does Diana chastise Richard?

Short Essay Questions

1. What were Richard's thoughts about getting married when he was with C.?

2. What leads Helen to say that she does not "want to play anymore"?

3. How does Lentz trick Richard in Section V?

4. What kind of response does Richard find himself getting from Helen in Section VIII?

5. Why was the fact of C.'s parents moving to Limburg a crisis for Richard and C.?

6. What debate do Richard and Lentz have over Helen in the beginning of section X?

7. Describe the relationship between Philip Lentz and Richard.

8. How are Helen and C. parallel in their relationship with Richard?

9. What are Philip Lentz and Diana Hartrick discussing when Richard sees them at the campus bar?

10. How do Richard and Lentz differ in their approaches to the project?

(see the answer keys)

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