Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom does Jesuíno hire to defend him in the trial?
(a) João Fulgêncio.
(b) Dr. Maurício.
(c) Tonico Bastos.
(d) The Captain.

2. Where does Dona Arminda announce that she is going when she meets Gabriela?
(a) To the Dos Reis sisters' house to see the Nativity tableau.
(b) To Teodoro's house for a séance.
(c) To church to hear mass.
(d) To the fish market to gossip.

3. Where does Gabriela usually leave the flower she wears behind her ear?
(a) On the canvas deck chair.
(b) On a bar stool.
(c) On Nacib's bed.
(d) In the street.

4. Where will Anabela's dance performance take place?
(a) The cabaret.
(b) The brothel.
(c) The town hall.
(d) The movie theatre.

5. What type of business does Jacob the Russian open in Ilhéus?
(a) A dry goods store.
(b) A bus company.
(c) A cabaret.
(d) A restaurant.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Mundinho Falção's family live?

2. Who brings a photographer to meet the engineer as he arrives in the harbor?

3. Who is the object of Professor Josué's passionate love?

4. Where does Tonico Bastos work?

5. Who advises Clemente to forget about Gabriela?

Short Essay Questions

1. Aside from harvesting cacao, what other work has Fagundes done for Colonel Melk Tavares? What did he think of this work and why?

2. Where does Gloria live? Why does this offend the women of Ilhéus?

3. Is Nacib interested in being married? Why has he not yet married?

4. Describe Dr. Osmundo's funeral procession. Who are the attendees? What is significant about the route that the procession takes?

5. Why does Mundinho Falção initially leave Rio de Janeiro for Ilhéus? How does this affect his feelings for the town?

6. Why does Colonel Coriolano Ribeiro confront Tonico Bastos? What does Tonico do after speaking with the Colonel? How does this affect Gloria?

7. What is the general opinion of the lecture given by the federal examination supervisor? How does his compare with Dr. Argileu? Whose attendance at the event makes the evening memorable?

8. What innovation do Jacob the Russian and Moacir Estrêla introduce to Ilhéus? Why is this significant?

9. What does Colonel Altino Brandão suggest that Mundinho do to make himself less of an outsider to Ilhéus? Whom does he suggest would be an appropriate candidate to select for this purpose?

10. Why does Colonel Aristóteles Pires decide to vote for Mundinho instead of Colonel Ramiro Bastos' candidate, Dr. Vitor Melo? How does Ramiro react to Aristótles' announcement of support for Mundinho?

(see the answer keys)

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