Gabi, a Girl in Pieces Test | Final Test - Medium

Quintero, Isabel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gabi, a Girl in Pieces Test | Final Test - Medium

Quintero, Isabel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Gabi's Uncle that often gets drunk at Christmas?
(a) Carlos.
(b) James.
(c) Luis.
(d) Humberto.

2. What does Tia Bertha tell Gabi about writing?
(a) That she is good at it.
(b) That it is the devil's work.
(c) That it should only be done in the service of religion.
(d) That it is something only men should do.

3. What does Martin ask Gabi to do with him after Christmas break?
(a) Go on a hike.
(b) Go to the movies.
(c) Go to the bakery.
(d) Go to The Grind Effect with him.

4. What wakes Gabi up in the midst of Beto and her mother arguing, which she describes in her March 1 entry?
(a) A baby crying.
(b) Her mother throwing a vase against the living room wall.
(c) Police sirens.
(d) Tia Bertha praying.

5. What food does Gabi give to Martin when he comes to her house?
(a) Her special beef jerky.
(b) Oranges.
(c) Marshmallows.
(d) Tacos.

Short Answer Questions

1. What topic does Gabi decide to make her zine on?

2. Where do Gabi and her family pick up her dad on January 2?

3. Who asks Gabi to come to his house early for group work on their English project?

4. What does Beto do that upsets Gabi and her mother so much on February 28?

5. Who is Gabi's infant brother named after?

Short Essay Questions

1. What plans does Gabi have to cancel in order to work on poetry with Martin in December?

2. What does Georgina tell Gabi in March that utterly shocks Gabi?

3. What does Martin get Gabi for her birthday that she loves?

4. What happens to Gabi's dad right after Christmas?

5. What is Gabi's zine that she produces in April mainly about?

6. In March, what does Martin suggest might help Gabi with her depression?

7. What subject does Gabi struggle with at school and what does she do to try to fix the problem?

8. How does Gabi seem to feel about her father judging from the letter she writes to him in April, after he dies?

9. How does Gabi's mother react when Gabi gets accepted into Berkeley?

10. What topic does Gabi focus on in her poem about her father that she writes in December?

(see the answer keys)

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