Gabi, a Girl in Pieces Fun Activities

Quintero, Isabel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gabi, a Girl in Pieces Fun Activities

Quintero, Isabel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Gabi, a Girl in Pieces Lesson Plans

Movie Cast

Pretend you are a casting director and make a list of real-life actors and actresses to play the main characters in a film adaptation of the book.

Movie Poster

Considering the themes and tone of the book, create a movie poster using any medium you wish designed to advertise a film adaptation of the book.


Create a list of songs that would complement the themes, tone, and style of the book.

Portrait of Gabi

Gabi, the narrator and main character, describes herself as fat and alternates between disliking her appearance and experiencing moments of greater contentment and confidence. Draw or paint a portrait of your impression of Gabi.

Write a Letter to the Author

Write a letter to Isabel Quintero letting her know what you thought of the book or asking her any questions you might have. If you wish, send the letter to Quintero...

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