Fuzzy Mud Test | Final Test - Hard

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Fuzzy Mud Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 206 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Fitzman say cars that use Biolene must be equipped with?

2. On the way to lunch, what do Hope and Monica tell Tamaya to say about her bandaged hand?

3. When Chad is talking about tree climbing, what does Tamaya realize?

4. When the school nurse is taking care of her hand, why does Tamaya keep hoping the nurse will hurry up?

5. What does it mean that Jonathan Fitzman is "subpoenaed" to testify in the Senate hearings (112)?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Chad feel that he is different from his siblings and from the other Woodridge students?

2. When Tamaya confronts Marshall on the basketball court, what makes it clear that the school nurse's treatment is not helping Tamaya's rash?

3. What steps do Marshall and Tamaya take to warn the search party about the mud?

4. What do all of the rumors about Chad's disappearance show about both Chad and the other students at Woodridge Academy?

5. How does Chad answer Tamaya's question about why he acts the way he does?

6. When they are in the woods together, what does Chad reveal is behind his anger toward Marshall?

7. When Chad tells Tamaya and Marshall about being up in the trees, what does Tamaya think sounds so nice about it, and why?

8. What condition is Chad in when Tamaya finally finds him?

9. Why does no one realize that Marshall is missing when he goes into the woods to look for Tamaya?

10. What does Chapter 21 reveal will happen in Heath Cliff?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

How do the realistic setting, characters, and plot of Fuzzy Mud all interact to keep the reader engaged in the story? Why does it matter that the story is set in ordinary places like a school, the woods, and students' homes? How do the thoughts and feelings of the ordinary children in this story help the reader bond with them? How does this bond increase the reader's engagement? In what ways is the plot realistic, and why does it matter that these things could really happen? Write an essay that uses evidence drawn from plot, characterization, and setting to show the many ways in which Fuzzy Mud is realistic and how Sachar's use of realism keeps the reader engaged.

Essay Topic 2

You have already spent some time thinking about the symbolism of the Woodridge Academy sweaters. But there are several other symbols that are important in the same section of the text. Think about the role that food plays in this section, for instance, or the importance of the trees Chad climbs. Choose another symbol from the part of the story where Tamaya goes into the woods to rescue Chad and Marshall ends up rescuing both Tamaya and Chad (Chapters 21-31). Write an essay that describes the symbol and then shows how this symbol is developed throughout this section of text. Make sure that your essay offers a clear theory about what the symbol conveys, and support your ideas with evidence from the text.

Essay Topic 3

How does Sachar's choice of a genetically modified organism as the source of trouble in this novel convey a message about humans interfering in the natural world? How does this relate to his choice of snow as a symbol of hope? Write an essay in which you show how these two aspects of the novel--the ergonyms and snow--relate to one another and convey a message about human beings and the natural environment. Support your claims with evidence drawn from throughout the text. If you use quoted evidence, remember to cite it in MLA format.

(see the answer keys)

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