Fuzzy Mud Test | Final Test - Medium

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Fuzzy Mud Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 206 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Tamaya end up with scratches on her arms and legs?
(a) She pushes through thick bushes looking for a path for them to follow.
(b) She moves too quickly down a hill and falls.
(c) Chad accidentally pushes her, and she falls into a bush.
(d) Chad attacks her with the stick they are carrying.

2. What does Marshall see in the woods that he mistakes for an animal?
(a) A pile of leaves.
(b) A discarded backpack.
(c) Tamaya's sweater.
(d) A twisted tree limb.

3. When Marshall spots Tamaya and Chad in the woods, what does he do for the first time?
(a) He confesses his crush on Tamaya.
(b) He stands up to Chad.
(c) He asks them for help.
(d) He apologizes to Tamaya.

4. What point does Marshall make about Tamaya when he is talking with Mrs. Thaxton about her disappearance?
(a) She is brave.
(b) She follows the rules.
(c) She is afraid of the woods.
(d) She is worried about Chad.

5. What does Tamaya finally see that makes her think she might be close to where Chad attacked Marshall?
(a) A rocky ledge.
(b) Two hills.
(c) Fuzzy mud.
(d) A white tree.

Short Answer Questions

1. On page 91, when Marshall thinks that Tamaya's hand is "grotesque," what does this mean about her hand?

2. When Tamaya learns of Chad's disappearance, who does she immediately want to talk to?

3. Which word best describes the school nurse's reaction when Tamaya tries to explain how her rash feels and where she thinks she got it?

4. What is Chad's attitude toward jumping the gully?

5. Why did Tamaya miss Hope's birthday party?

Short Essay Questions

1. When they are in the woods together, what does Tamaya learn about Chad's story about the hermit?

2. How does Chad feel that he is different from his siblings and from the other Woodridge students?

3. What do all of the rumors about Chad's disappearance show about both Chad and the other students at Woodridge Academy?

4. What finally causes Marshall to stand up to Chad, and how does this moment contradict Marshall's worst fears about himself?

5. What is ironic about Chad's threat to use the stick to hit Tamaya?

6. What makes Mrs. Thaxton feel so guilty about Tamaya's disappearance?

7. By the time Marshall is found by the searchers, which items of clothing is he missing, and why?

8. How do the kids discover that Tamaya has lost her vision?

9. What condition is Chad in when Tamaya finally finds him?

10. When Marshall is on the basketball court at lunch, what is ironic about his behavior toward Tamaya?

(see the answer keys)

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