Fuzzy Mud Test | Final Test - Medium

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Fuzzy Mud Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 206 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does it mean that Jonathan Fitzman is "subpoenaed" to testify in the Senate hearings (112)?
(a) He is happy to share what he knows.
(b) He is frightened to have to talk to the senators.
(c) He is scheduled to speak to the committee.
(d) He is legally forced to testify.

2. What part of Marshall gets muddy when he is first trying to help Tamaya out of the gully?
(a) His leg.
(b) His arm.
(c) His face.
(d) His fingertips.

3. What does Tamaya finally see that makes her think she might be close to where Chad attacked Marshall?
(a) Two hills.
(b) A white tree.
(c) Fuzzy mud.
(d) A rocky ledge.

4. What is one of the main points that the senators want Fitzman to clarify?
(a) Whether any Biolene is missing from the laboratory.
(b) Whether SunRay Farms has tested Biolene for human safety and environmental impact.
(c) Whether the ergonyms are still alive and reproducing once they are in the Biolene solution.
(d) Whether anyone at SunRay Farms has also shown signs of a rash.

5. While she is in the woods, what does Tamaya realize about the fuzzy mud?
(a) It is aware of her.
(b) It smells sweet.
(c) It glows.
(d) It is spreading.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Marshall struggle to get Tamaya out of the gully?

2. What is Donna Jones's job at SunRay farms?

3. What lie does Marshall tell himself about why he did not tell Mrs. Thaxton the truth?

4. How long did Marshall's friends refuse to let him play basketball with them because of Chad's intimidation?

5. What feature does Fitzman say he is working on for the future?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Tamaya confronts Marshall on the basketball court, what makes it clear that the school nurse's treatment is not helping Tamaya's rash?

2. What condition is Chad in when Tamaya finally finds him?

3. How does Marshall's behavior in Mrs. Thaxton's office contradict the decision he makes right before he goes in?

4. Why does no one realize that Marshall is missing when he goes into the woods to look for Tamaya?

5. What do all of the rumors about Chad's disappearance show about both Chad and the other students at Woodridge Academy?

6. What is ironic about Chad's threat to use the stick to hit Tamaya?

7. What finally causes Marshall to stand up to Chad, and how does this moment contradict Marshall's worst fears about himself?

8. How does Tamaya end up getting completely stuck in the fuzzy mud?

9. What steps do Marshall and Tamaya take to warn the search party about the mud?

10. By the time Marshall is found by the searchers, which items of clothing is he missing, and why?

(see the answer keys)

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