Fuzzy Mud Test | Final Test - Easy

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Fuzzy Mud Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 206 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Donna Jones's job at SunRay farms?
(a) She is a research scientist.
(b) She is part of their public relations team.
(c) She is one of their lawyers.
(d) She is a security officer.

2. Why does Tamaya have to jump over the gully?
(a) It is too steep to climb back out of.
(b) It is full of garbage.
(c) It is full of fuzzy mud.
(d) It is flooded.

3. What does the school nurse eventually decide must have caused Tamaya's rash?
(a) Cleaning products.
(b) Peanuts.
(c) Her new shampoo.
(d) The fuzzy mud.

4. Why does everything in the woods look so unfamiliar to Tamaya?
(a) She is not used to the woods and does not really know what to look for.
(b) When she was in the woods before, she was distracted by her conversation with Marshall.
(c) When she was in the woods before, she was too afraid to pay close attention.
(d) It was much darker when she was in the woods the day before.

5. When the school is put on lockdown, where is Marshall?
(a) In Mrs. Thaxton's office.
(b) On his way home.
(c) In the woods.
(d) In Mr. Davison's class.

6. How does Chad show courage when Marshall is trying to get Tamaya out of the gully?
(a) He gives up the stick so that Marshall can use it as a lever.
(b) He goes down into the mud to get Tamaya out.
(c) He waits alone while Marshall goes off to find the tools he needs.
(d) He trusts Marshall to guide his blind jump over the gully.

7. What does Mrs. Thaxton's memory of Chad's enrollment at Woodridge seem to show about Chad's mother?
(a) She does not care very much about Chad's feelings.
(b) She bullies Chad in the same way he bullies other students.
(c) She is sad and overwhelmed by Chad's behavior.
(d) She secretly thinks that Chad's behavior is funny.

8. What do all of the students' theories about what has happened to Chad seem to have in common?
(a) The belief that Chad's disappearance is part of some strange game Chad is playing.
(b) The idea that Chad has run away because his parents were mad at him.
(c) The suspicion that Chad's disappearance was caused by Marshall.
(d) The idea that Chad himself is to blame for whatever has happened to him.

9. When Tamaya offers Chad the peanut butter and jelly sandwich, what does he do?
(a) He tells her that she is not as much of a useless baby as he thought.
(b) He gets a little teary-eyed with relief and gratitude.
(c) He tells her that he will not eat her disgusting lunch.
(d) He pushes her and takes her lunch sack from her.

10. Who is Cooper?
(a) A singer Tamaya has a crush on.
(b) The school nurse's son.
(c) Tamaya's dog.
(d) The assistant headmaster.

11. What mistake does Marshall make when he spots Chad and Tamaya in the woods?
(a) He hurries ahead without thinking about how to get back.
(b) He thinks Chad is trying to hurt Tamaya.
(c) He does not pay attention to the fuzzy mud.
(d) He thinks that Tamaya has known where Chad is all along.

12. What is Tamaya so confused about throughout lunch in Chapter 17?
(a) The way adults seem to do the opposite of what they say.
(b) How other students do not seem to mind the noise and chaos in the lunchroom.
(c) That no one seems to care where she really got her rash.
(d) The way her friends are acting around the boys.

13. On the way to lunch, what do Hope and Monica tell Tamaya to say about her bandaged hand?
(a) That she got the rash while horseback riding.
(b) That she was bitten by a wolf.
(c) That she burned herself on a motorcycle.
(d) That she stabbed herself with a pencil.

14. What does Marshall see in the woods that he mistakes for an animal?
(a) A pile of leaves.
(b) A discarded backpack.
(c) Tamaya's sweater.
(d) A twisted tree limb.

15. When Mrs. Thaxton asks Marshall if he knows where Tamaya is, what is his first thought?
(a) Someone has kidnapped Tamaya.
(b) He is having a bad dream.
(c) Tamaya has gone into the woods.
(d) Mrs. Thaxton is trying to trick him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does it mean that Jonathan Fitzman is "subpoenaed" to testify in the Senate hearings (112)?

2. How long after Tamaya's trip into the woods does Chapter 20 take place?

3. What point does Marshall make about Tamaya when he is talking with Mrs. Thaxton about her disappearance?

4. What lie does Marshall tell himself about why he did not tell Mrs. Thaxton the truth?

5. When Tamaya finds Chad in the woods, what is Chad's primary worry about his current situation?

(see the answer keys)

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