Fuzzy Mud Quiz | One Week Quiz A

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Fuzzy Mud Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 206 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 4: Chapter 24, "The Situation in Heath Cliff (Three Months Later)" through Chapter 31, "Wednesday, November 3, Evening".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What possible ergonym mutation are the senators worried about?
(a) One that would create consciousness in the organisms.
(b) One that would allow the organism to reproduce with organisms already in the environment.
(c) One that would allow the ergonym to survive in oxygen.
(d) One that would allow the ergonyms to reproduce even faster.

2. What do all of the students' theories about what has happened to Chad seem to have in common?
(a) The idea that Chad himself is to blame for whatever has happened to him.
(b) The suspicion that Chad's disappearance was caused by Marshall.
(c) The belief that Chad's disappearance is part of some strange game Chad is playing.
(d) The idea that Chad has run away because his parents were mad at him.

3. What does Marshall see that suddenly changes his attitude and makes him worried that something serious is happening?
(a) Tamaya's lunch bag.
(b) A dead raccoon.
(c) Chad's blistered face.
(d) Tamaya's sock.

4. What question did Mr. Davison ask Chad that caused Chad to embarrass himself with a clearly wrong answer?
(a) How many U.S. states there are.
(b) What the duties of the vice president are.
(c) How many U.S. Senators there are.
(d) What the three branches of the U.S. government are.

5. When Tamaya shows Marshall her rash, what is is response?
(a) He asks whether she told her mother about being in the woods.
(b) He expresses concern and says he hopes it gets better soon.
(c) He tells her that he, too, has developed a rash.
(d) He tells her to stop being a baby about a little rash.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Mrs. Thaxton asks Marshall if he knows where Tamaya is, what is his first thought?

2. Who is Cooper?

3. Why does Mr. Brandt call Marshall up to the front of the class?

4. On the way to lunch, what do Hope and Monica tell Tamaya to say about her bandaged hand?

5. What does Chad call Marshall when he challenges him to a fight after school?

(see the answer key)

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