Future Shock Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Future Shock Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Toffler characterize society's relation with conduct, manners, and language?
(a) As a planned obsolescence.
(b) As a cracked consensus.
(c) As a new fascism.
(d) As an ad-hocracy.

2. What should people be wary of in new technologies?
(a) Developments that create inequality.
(b) Developments that foster totalitarianism.
(c) Developments that make old technologies obsolete.
(d) Developments that contribute to acceleration.

3. What industry does Toffler cite as an example of Americans' choices?
(a) The travel industry.
(b) The oil industry.
(c) The telecommunications industry.
(d) The auto industry.

4. What does Toffler say helps consolidate each identity?
(a) Heroes.
(b) Rituals.
(c) Unique currency.
(d) Assemblies.

5. How will new technologies help people, in Toffler's opinion?
(a) They will numb people to changes.
(b) They will increase adaptability.
(c) They will capitalize on change.
(d) They will reduce the impact of changes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Toffler say continual change causes?

2. What organizations does Toffler cite as an example of an organization that mitigates future shock?

3. In what field have some countries tried to move away from giving people free choices?

4. What will happen if preventative steps are not taken, in Toffler's account?

5. What does the accelerative thrust of society require, in Toffler's account?

Short Essay Questions

1. How will education have to change to meet the future?

2. How does change affect people's health?

3. What does an individual need to do to prepare for the future and avoid future shock?

4. How would Toffler design curricula for the future education system?

5. What does a subcult give a person?

6. What did Holmes and Rahe find in their study?

7. What will planners need to have in order to make an education system that prepares people for the future?

8. What does Toffler say people need to do in order to deal with the coming future?

9. What is the danger of change in a super-industrial culture?

10. What is entailed in changing a lifestyle?

(see the answer keys)

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