Future Shock Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Future Shock Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does change affect in a person's psychology?
(a) Their ability to solve problems.
(b) Their ability to orient themselves in time and space.
(c) Their ability to acquire language.
(d) Their decision-making process.

2. What does Toffler say subgroups compete for?
(a) Advertising dollars.
(b) Power.
(c) Members.
(d) Funding.

3. How will new technologies help people, in Toffler's opinion?
(a) They will numb people to changes.
(b) They will capitalize on change.
(c) They will reduce the impact of changes.
(d) They will increase adaptability.

4. What does Toffler propose in order to institute his plan to protect against future shock?
(a) A public agency to review new technology.
(b) A political party for restricting technological research.
(c) A party of revolutionaries to overthrow technological workers.
(d) A government based on wisdom and ancient principles.

5. How often does the orientation response occur?
(a) Hundreds of times a day.
(b) A few times a week.
(c) A few times a month.
(d) A few times a day.

6. What has social change created, in Toffler's account?
(a) Unfreedom.
(b) Slavery.
(c) Overchoice.
(d) Revolutionary consciousness.

7. What does Toffler say continual change causes?
(a) The orientation response.
(b) The suppressive reaction.
(c) The aggression reaction.
(d) The adaptive reaction.

8. What part of change can be manipulated to prevent or mitigate future shock?
(a) People's behaviors.
(b) Market behaviors.
(c) Technological advances.
(d) Legal statutes.

9. What effect does Toffler say familiar objects have on people?
(a) They lull them into unawareness.
(b) They suppress expressivity.
(c) They raise the person's latent frustrations.
(d) They put them at ease.

10. What organizations does Toffler cite as an example of an organization that mitigates future shock?
(a) Schools.
(b) Halfway houses.
(c) Restaurants.
(d) Hospitals.

11. How does Toffler describe a person's choices in the future?
(a) Limited.
(b) Compelled.
(c) Abundant.
(d) Eliminated.

12. What is the right amount of change called?
(a) The adaptive range.
(b) The statistical norm.
(c) Behavioral health.
(d) Balanced stumulation.

13. What did Holmes and Rahe find in their study of the Navy?
(a) A correlation between change and feelings of powerlessness.
(b) A correlation between change and illness.
(c) A correlation between change and depression.
(d) A correlation between loneliness and aggression.

14. What evidence does Toffler use for his characterization of his society?
(a) Drugs and crime.
(b) Greed and profits.
(c) Terrorism and revolutionary political parties.
(d) Political gridlock and stagflation.

15. Why were alternative schools formed, in Toffler's account?
(a) To provide people with cheaper education options.
(b) To combat the standardization of education.
(c) To provide for religious education.
(d) To make schools for all girls or all boys.

Short Answer Questions

1. What fields will spur the movement that affects choice in the future?

2. What does Toffler say is the problem with technocrats?

3. What does Toffler say about conduct, manners and language?

4. Who does Toffler describe as examples of over-stimulation?

5. What does future shock result from?

(see the answer keys)

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