Future Shock Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Future Shock Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Toffler say about the oceans?
(a) That they will destroy civilization.
(b) That they limit the expansion of human societies.
(c) That they have not been mapped.
(d) That they will rise.

2. What remedy might the family have against the pressures of future culture?
(a) More educational options.
(b) More mobility.
(c) More disposable income.
(d) More leisure time.

3. What does Toffler say distinguishes people in cities from people in towns?
(a) They don't know their neighbors as well.
(b) They don't all shop in the same place.
(c) They don't have the same affection for their environment.
(d) They don't have the same sense of loyalty to the place.

4. What will be the new influence on the economy of the future?
(a) New human needs.
(b) New financial mechanisms.
(c) New forms of payment.
(d) New methods of production.

5. How will parenthood change in the future Toffler sees?
(a) It will be legal not biological.
(b) Babies will be property of the state.
(c) Parents will have to be certified.
(d) Children will be monitored more closely at schools.

6. What animals have been used in underwater research?
(a) Dolphins.
(b) Cod.
(c) Squid.
(d) Shrimp.

7. What industries does Toffler say will grow in the economy of the future?
(a) Mining.
(b) Tourism.
(c) Oil extraction.
(d) Experience industries.

8. What term does Toffler use to describe the future society?
(a) Transnational capitalism.
(b) Technological totalitarianism.
(c) Super-industrialism.
(d) Mega-production.

9. How does Toffler say technology will change pregnancy?
(a) Mothers will be able to breast-feed longer.
(b) Babies will be routinely born in only 7 months.
(c) Babies will be nurtured outside the womb.
(d) Babies will be screened for diseases before birth.

10. What feeling characterizes the person who lives in what Toffler calls the fast lane?
(a) Boredom.
(b) Tradition.
(c) Spirituality.
(d) Transience.

11. What is happening to the bureaucracy, in Toffler's account?
(a) It is choking off progress.
(b) It is institutionalizing inefficiency.
(c) It is creating unhappiness.
(d) It is breaking down.

12. What will changes in agriculture mean for the future Toffler foresees?
(a) Food will be more nutritious.
(b) Fewer workers will be needed.
(c) Food will be poisoned with pesticides.
(d) More processing will be necessary for food.

13. What makes future shock different than culture shock?
(a) Culture shock only happens in modern cultures.
(b) Culture shock only lasts for a generation before assimilation takes place.
(c) Future shock is a cultural condition.
(d) Future shock consists of familiar cues being replaced by unfamiliar cues.

14. What problem does Toffler describe for professionals in a future society?
(a) Their industries will become obsolete.
(b) They will not be able to keep up with changes.
(c) They will shrink in size as a social class.
(d) They will have more and more power in their fields.

15. What kind of loyalty are the new kinds of organizations based on?
(a) Loyalty to the boss.
(b) Loyalty to the business.
(c) Loyalty to the profession.
(d) Loyalty to the nation.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Toffler describe future shock?

2. How do many people treat change, as Toffler describes it?

3. How does Toffler describe the "modular man's" relationships?

4. What does the amount of change in an organization contribute to, according to Toffler?

5. What is the consequence of high mobility, according to Toffler?

(see the answer keys)

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