Future Shock Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Future Shock Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What industries does Toffler say will grow in the economy of the future?
(a) Tourism.
(b) Mining.
(c) Oil extraction.
(d) Experience industries.

2. Which groups move most often, in Toffler's account?
(a) Mechanics.
(b) Technical workers.
(c) Doctors and dentists.
(d) Agricultural workers.

3. How has commuting changed in super-industrial culture?
(a) People work in more places.
(b) People commute farther.
(c) People live longer lives.
(d) People change jobs more often.

4. How have careers changed in super-industrial culture?
(a) They have shorter lifespans.
(b) They tend to lead to promotion.
(c) They tend to trap people in one field.
(d) They make people specialists.

5. What is leading the super-industrial revolution?
(a) Government deregulation.
(b) Distribution channels.
(c) Free trade associations.
(d) Scientific technology.

6. What is the consequence of high mobility, according to Toffler?
(a) Political involvement.
(b) Non-involvement in the community.
(c) Nationalism.
(d) Class consolidation in the suburbs.

7. What feeling results from the development of Toffler's future culture?
(a) Impermanence.
(b) Security.
(c) Anxiety.
(d) Power.

8. What does Toffler say is the real danger we face in the future?
(a) Social networks not being able to keep up with change.
(b) Insects developing immunity to pesticides.
(c) Not making plans for what's coming.
(d) Diseases evolving beyond antibiotics.

9. What is the consequence of the faster pace of things, in Toffler's account?
(a) People learn to pay what things are worth.
(b) People see things as disposable.
(c) People learn to respect each other's labor.
(d) People learn to conserve.

10. What does Toffler say about the oceans?
(a) That they will destroy civilization.
(b) That they will rise.
(c) That they have not been mapped.
(d) That they limit the expansion of human societies.

11. What is the consequence of people relocating their homes more often in super-industrial culture?
(a) People become super territorial over their possessions.
(b) People fear attachment to any one place.
(c) People stimulate the economy every time they move.
(d) People are happier when they can find the right place.

12. What is happening to the bureaucracy, in Toffler's account?
(a) It is choking off progress.
(b) It is breaking down.
(c) It is creating unhappiness.
(d) It is institutionalizing inefficiency.

13. Where does culture shock take place, in Toffler's account?
(a) All modern people.
(b) Foreign travelers.
(c) Urban populations.
(d) Developing nations.

14. How do people learn to be aware of time, as Toffler describes it?
(a) They measure their progress against the seasons.
(b) They repeat the experiences of their ancestors.
(c) They keep solar calendars.
(d) They develop "durational expectancies."

15. What does Toffler use as an example of companies of the future?
(a) Goldman Sachs.
(b) Club med.
(c) Bank of America.
(d) Exxon.

Short Answer Questions

1. What category are more relationships taking place in, according to Toffler?

2. What will people want in the new economy Toffler imagines?

3. What does Toffler say distinguishes people in cities from people in towns?

4. How does Toffler describe the "modular man's" relationships?

5. What will not be an option, in Toffler's view of the future?

(see the answer keys)

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