Furious Gulf Test | Final Test - Medium

Gregory Benford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Furious Gulf Test | Final Test - Medium

Gregory Benford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Mind Surgery," what do the mechs want to do?
(a) Kill Quath.
(b) Find Toby and Killeen.
(c) Destroy Argo and its members.
(d) Prevent Toby from reuniting with the Family Bishop.

2. After Toby removes the Shibo chip, what does he do to make himself harder to find?
(a) He uses camouflage.
(b) He creates a magnetic distraction.
(c) He emits jumbled signals from his sensorium.
(d) He compresses his sensorium.

3. In "The Esty Wind," what do Toby and Quath see as they walk in the Lane?
(a) The creation of a city.
(b) The "ground" below them dissolving.
(c) A sheet peeling off a cliff.
(d) The "sky" closing in.

4. Where does Toby shelter from the cold in "The Pain of Eternity?"
(a) Inside a cave.
(b) Inside a slender tube.
(c) Inside a rubber flyer.
(d) Inside an oblong building.

5. What is Toby doing at the beginning of "Passing Currents?"
(a) Lying on the ground.
(b) Standing with his feet on either side of a crevice.
(c) Arching his body to let the energy in.
(d) Sitting in a pyramid.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Eating the Storm," what does Toby notice about the bird that lands nearby?

2. In "Casualties," what has been attacking the people?

3. In "Unsettled Movement," how does Quath know that something is troubling Toby while he sleeps?

4. From what family is the pyramid dwarf?

5. After Quath returns from her interrogation, what does she say Killeen wants from Toby?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do Toby and the Shibo Personality argue in "The Rock of Chaos?"

2. What is the rock of chaos?

3. Why do the mechs and argue in "Animal Spirits?"

4. In "The Sea of Sands," how does Toby learn that the Mantis has found him?

5. How does Shibo try to stop Toby from removing her chip from his head?

6. Describe the memories Toby has when he is in the maize field.

7. What is the message that the injured man has for Toby in "Casualties?"

8. In "Animal Spirits," why does Toby run from Killeen and Cermo?

9. What does Toby miss in "The Pain of Eternity?"

10. What do Toby and Quath do at the end of "The Esty Wind?"

(see the answer keys)

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