Furious Gulf Test | Final Test - Medium

Gregory Benford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Furious Gulf Test | Final Test - Medium

Gregory Benford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Quath in "Unsettled Movement," who/what is Man pointed toward?
(a) Invasion.
(b) Destiny.
(c) Danger.
(d) Woman.

2. What is the real family name of the woman Toby meets in the maize fields?
(a) Rook.
(b) Tutor.
(c) Buddha.
(d) Bahai.

3. What does Toby do after he removes the Shibo chip?
(a) He cleans himself up in a stream.
(b) He pitches forward into a tunnel.
(c) He screams.
(d) He rests while the Faces make repairs.

4. What does Toby smell in "Salvage?"
(a) A burnt scent.
(b) A foul scent.
(c) A floral scent.
(d) A sour scent.

5. What information did the esty dwellers want from Quath?
(a) Information about The Hunker Down.
(b) Information about the mechs' work on antimatter.
(c) Information about how the Myriapodia evolved.
(d) Information about Toby and his kind.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Mantis tell Toby about itself?

2. What is Toby doing at the beginning of "Passing Currents?"

3. In "Unsettled Movement," what does Toby eat?

4. How does the Mantis communicate with Toby?

5. In "The Rock of Chaos," what does Quath tell Toby about the Lanes?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do the mechs and argue in "Animal Spirits?"

2. According to Quath, why is Toby's hand pinned to a rock in "Time's Grip?"

3. What is the woman doing in the maize fields?

4. In "The Sea of Sands," how does Toby learn that the Mantis has found him?

5. Why do Toby and the Shibo Personality argue in "The Rock of Chaos?"

6. In "Unsettled Movement," what do Toby and Quath discuss?

7. What does Killeen's image tell Toby?

8. Describe the people that Toby first encounters in "Rational Laughter."

9. Describe what happens when Toby is attacked in "The Pain of Eternity."

10. What is the rock of chaos?

(see the answer keys)

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