Furious Gulf Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Gregory Benford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Furious Gulf Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Gregory Benford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the Philosophs do as the Argo approaches the oozing, black object?
(a) They say the Myriapodia can no longer be allied with the humans.
(b) They advise caution.
(c) They communicate that the object is natural.
(d) They retire.

2. In "Honeycomb Home," to where do the computers direct Argo?
(a) Inside the black hole.
(b) Back across the ergosphere.
(c) To just above the lip of the black hole.
(d) To the black object.

3. In "The Rule of Number," what chases the Family?
(a) A triple-spined creature.
(b) A helical rod-tree creature.
(c) A pyramid-shaped creature.
(d) A blimp-shaped creature.

4. In "Lightning Life," to what does Isaac compare the galactic jet?
(a) A marshmallow.
(b) Cotton candy.
(c) A fountain.
(d) A whirlpool.

5. What is the name of Quath's race?
(a) Mechopodia.
(b) Multipodia.
(c) Myriapodia.
(d) Gigantopodia.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Argo head for Besik Bay?

2. What does Toby like to do when he gets "really out of sorts?"

3. In "Lightning Life," who calls Isaac a pretender?

4. What does the Argo crew see when they enter the time pit?

5. After Argo passes through the Cyaneans, where do the mechs think it is headed?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Toby's problem in "Techno-Nomads?"

2. At the end of "Trans-History," why does Killeen ask Cermo to take Toby outside?

3. Why does Killeen decide to land the Argo on the honeycombed black object?

4. How does Andro treat Toby and his group in "The Far Black?"

5. Describe the Bishops' experience with the judge in "A Day in Court."

6. How are the humans filtered and cleaned on the "honeycomb home?"

7. How does Toby feel about bringing Quath to the esty judge?

8. How is time affected in the time pit?

9. Describe Toby's memories as he walks the esty streets.

10. How does a sail-snake look?

(see the answer keys)

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