Furious Gulf Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Gregory Benford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Furious Gulf Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Gregory Benford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Quath project onto the Argo's screens when they are in the time pit?
(a) Images of Argo's future.
(b) A blueprint.
(c) Images of two digital clocks.
(d) A map.

2. As the Argo spirals to True Center, what does Besen call Toby?
(a) Pod Boy.
(b) Optimist.
(c) Dreamer.
(d) Romeo.

3. What does Toby do when he sees kids his own age on the esty streets?
(a) He asks them where to find the judge.
(b) He asks them for advice.
(c) He ignores them.
(d) He plays a game with them.

4. With what does the judge on the esty charge the Bishops?
(a) Violation of tax codes.
(b) Property damage.
(c) Illegal entry.
(d) Ignorance.

5. In "Lightning Life," to what does Isaac compare the galactic jet?
(a) A whirlpool.
(b) A fountain.
(c) Cotton candy.
(d) A marshmallow.

6. Where is Toby at the beginning of "Deep Reality?"
(a) On a Bridge couch.
(b) Pacing the deck with Killeen.
(c) On the observation deck.
(d) In his living quarters.

7. Who/what approaches Argo at the end of "Lightning Life?"
(a) Ghosts of old Aspects.
(b) Myriapodia ships.
(c) Abraham.
(d) The Magnetic Mind.

8. In Part 1, Chapter 2, what does Toby take from the sail-snake?
(a) A pink tentacle.
(b) Red liquid.
(c) Milky fluid.
(d) A triangular scale.

9. Who is Quath?
(a) A ship officer.
(b) A boy.
(c) Toby's teacher Aspect.
(d) An alien.

10. What is another name for the Eye of the Eater?
(a) The Highway.
(b) The Vacuum.
(c) The Great Disk.
(d) The Chasm.

11. What surprises Toby at the beginning of "Motes Such as You?"
(a) A riot.
(b) A mech.
(c) A fire.
(d) An explosion.

12. At the beginning of "The Far Black," what does Toby know about the dwarf?
(a) He can't be trusted.
(b) He is a guardian angel.
(c) He has met Killeen before.
(d) He is the ruler of this place.

13. What does the Argo crew see when they enter the time pit?
(a) The Cosmic Circle.
(b) A mech.
(c) The Magnetic Mind.
(d) A ship.

14. Who rescues Toby after the mechs damage the Argo dome?
(a) Quath.
(b) Besen.
(c) Killeen.
(d) Cermo.

15. How many other people are with Toby in the Argo dome in "A Taste of the Void?"
(a) Six.
(b) Nine.
(c) Four.
(d) Twelve.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Quath's race?

2. How do Family Bishop Gatherings begin?

3. What does Toby notice about the large, black object?

4. What does Cermo's microwave analysis of the esty clouds indicate?

5. What troubles Jocelyn at the start of "Honeycomb Home"?

(see the answer keys)

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