Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 2, Chapter 6 Lightning Life | Part 2, Chapter 7 A Taste of the Void.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What are Killeen's orders at the end of "Besik Bay?"
(a) Go into the galactic jet.
(b) Go into the Cosmic Circle.
(c) Go into the Shredded Star.
(d) Go into Besik Bay.
2. In "Lightning Life," with which Aspect does Killeen communicate?
(a) Shibo.
(b) Zeno.
(c) Isaac.
(d) Joe.
3. What is the name of Quath's race?
(a) Mechopodia.
(b) Gigantopodia.
(c) Multipodia.
(d) Myriapodia.
4. The Family Bishop is from where?
(a) Winterglen.
(b) Andromeda.
(c) Snowglade.
(d) Earth.
5. In Part 1, Chapter 2, what does Toby take from the sail-snake?
(a) Red liquid.
(b) Milky fluid.
(c) A triangular scale.
(d) A pink tentacle.
Short Answer Questions
1. Where is Quath at the start of "The Shredded Star?"
2. In "Hard Pursuit," with whom does Toby have a disagreement?
3. To what does Isaac compare the Cosmic Circle?
4. What is a Chandelier?
5. What device does Quath's brethren carry?
This section contains 187 words (approx. 1 page at 300 words per page) |