Furious Gulf Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Gregory Benford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Furious Gulf Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Gregory Benford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 5, Chapter 1 The Pain of Eternity.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What memories does Toby have as he walks the esty streets?
(a) Memories of his time on punishment.
(b) Memories of Besen.
(c) Memories of Quath.
(d) Memories of the Citadel.

2. As the Argo spirals to True Center, what does Besen call Toby?
(a) Optimist.
(b) Dreamer.
(c) Romeo.
(d) Pod Boy.

3. What does Toby do when he sees kids his own age on the esty streets?
(a) He asks them where to find the judge.
(b) He plays a game with them.
(c) He asks them for advice.
(d) He ignores them.

4. After Toby removes the Shibo chip, what does he do to make himself harder to find?
(a) He creates a magnetic distraction.
(b) He compresses his sensorium.
(c) He emits jumbled signals from his sensorium.
(d) He uses camouflage.

5. According to Besen's teaching Aspect, how big is the approaching disk?
(a) As big as a solar system.
(b) As big as a planet.
(c) As big as a Chandelier.
(d) As big as the largest mech ship.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "The Pain of Eternity," what part of Toby is injured during the attack?

2. In "The Charm of Commerce," what does Toby miss while he is on punishment?

3. Who said, "Anything you understand, you can use?"

4. What does the Magnetic Mind NOT tell Killeen at the end of "The Aperture Moment?"

5. What is Toby's punishment for publicly disagreeing with Killeen in "Trans-History?"

(see the answer key)

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