Funnyhouse of a Negro Test | Final Test - Easy

Adrienne Kennedy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Funnyhouse of a Negro Test | Final Test - Easy

Adrienne Kennedy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did the African American-man's father say were coming for him?
(a) Soliders.
(b) The police.
(c) Doctors.
(d) Ghosts.

2. Did Sarah ever forgive her father in Part 4?
(a) Her father does not want her forgiveness.
(b) She can't decide.
(c) Yes.
(d) No.

3. What was the economic status of the neighborhood where the African-American man's father tried to hurt himself?
(a) Middle Class.
(b) Wealthy.
(c) Squatters.
(d) Poor.

4. Who wanted the African-American man to achieve an unattainable goal in Part 3?
(a) His father.
(b) His mother.
(c) His daughter.
(d) His church.

5. Where does Part 4 of the play begin?
(a) In Sarah's house.
(b) On the street.
(c) In the Duchess' house.
(d) In the Queens' house.

6. Where was the African-American man's father when he tried to hurt himself?
(a) In a kitchen.
(b) In a restaurant.
(c) On the beach.
(d) In a hotel room.

7. On what holiday did Sarah visit her father?
(a) New Years.
(b) Valentine's Day.
(c) Easter.
(d) Halloween.

8. What did the African-American man's father say the people that were coming for him were going to do to him?
(a) Hang him.
(b) Shoot him.
(c) Nail him to a cross.
(d) Arrest him.

9. What didn't the African-American man's mother want him to do?
(a) Divorce his wife.
(b) Marry his wife.
(c) Have a child.
(d) Move to Africa.

10. Who opens the play in Part 3?
(a) Sarah.
(b) The African-American man.
(c) The Duchess
(d) The Queen.

11. Which characters are in the scene when Part 4 begins?
(a) The Queen and Jesus.
(b) The Queen.
(c) The Duchess and Jesus.
(d) The Duchess.

12. The African-American man says his father tried to hurt himself at the end of Part 3. What did he try and do?
(a) Hang himself.
(b) Shoot himself.
(c) Poison himself.
(d) Cut himself.

13. Where did the African-American man's father and mother travel to?
(a) Asia.
(b) Europe.
(c) Africa.
(d) Russia.

14. What was the African-American man's father doing prior to what he did to African-American man's mother?
(a) Running.
(b) Working.
(c) Doing drugs.
(d) Drinking.

15. Who's story is the African-American man telling?
(a) Raymond's.
(b) The Queen's.
(c) Sarah's.
(d) His own.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the significance of the continuous sound?

2. The African-American man is telling another character's story. What aspect of this character's life do we learn through the African-American man?

3. In whose name does Jesus claim he is going to kill someone at the end of Part 4?

4. What does the cross symbolize in the play?

5. How did Sarah contribute to her father's death?

(see the answer keys)

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