Funny in Farsi: A Memoir of Growing Up Iranian in America Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Firoozeh Dumas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Funny in Farsi: A Memoir of Growing Up Iranian in America Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Firoozeh Dumas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From what had Francois' grandfather died?
(a) Gunshot.
(b) Old age.
(c) Cancer.
(d) Infection.

2. Once when she was called in for a doctor's apartment, the nurse called Firoozeh what?
(a) "Froh Dumbass."
(b) "Firz Dumbass."
(c) "Fears Dumbass."
(d) "Fritzy Dumbass."

3. When she first met with her teacher at Leffingwell Elementary School, Firoozeh showed the only English she knew by reciting what?
(a) Numbers.
(b) Colors.
(c) Constelations.
(d) Animals.

4. What had Francois' grandmother owned as a baby in the Congo?
(a) A giraffe.
(b) A lamb.
(c) A buffalo.
(d) A hippo.

5. What did Kazem purchase for Firoozeh before she went to camp in Chapter 8?
(a) A sleeping bag.
(b) A sari.
(c) A purse.
(d) Several cans of bug spray.

6. What occupation did Uncle Nematollah have?
(a) Lawyer.
(b) Physician.
(c) Pharmacist.
(d) Janitor.

7. Nematollah tried using a diet shake to lose weight, which was somewhat successful until he decided it tasted better with what?
(a) Bacon fat.
(b) Butter.
(c) Sugar.
(d) Baskin-Robbins ice cream.

8. Where was the summer camp located which Firoozeh attended in Chapter 8?
(a) The Salmon Mountains.
(b) The Appalachian Mountains.
(c) The Mammoth Mountains.
(d) The Marble Mountains.

9. Kazem considered himself the ________ of Iran since he was the first in the family to settle permanently in America.
(a) Napoleon Bonaparte.
(b) Leif Ericson.
(c) Sir Francis Drake.
(d) Christopher Columbus.

10. What was finally successful in helping Nematollah lose weight?
(a) Pull-ups.
(b) Jogging.
(c) Sit-ups.
(d) The Body Shaper.

11. How many Iranian colleagues and their families did Kazem invite to meet his family at Disneyland in Chapter 4?
(a) 18.
(b) 6.
(c) 11.
(d) 8.

12. What is the name of Firoozeh's mother?
(a) Kazem.
(b) Parvine.
(c) Nazireh.
(d) Sedigeh.

13. What sibling of Firoozeh's lived in Philadelphia with an uncle before the rest of the family moved to the United States?
(a) Kazem.
(b) Francois.
(c) Farshid.
(d) Farid.

14. What was Firoozeh opposed to doing while at camp in Chapter 8?
(a) Arts and crafts.
(b) Canoeing.
(c) Bathing in front of others.
(d) Fishing and hunting.

15. Who did Nazireh use principally as her interpreter at markets and shops?
(a) Farshid.
(b) Sedigeh.
(c) Farid.
(d) Firoozeh.

Short Answer Questions

1. It was the consensus of Firoozeh's family that Kentucky Fried Chicken and what were tops in the fast-food department?

2. What university had Kazem attended in Texas?

3. What is the name of Firoozeh's husband?

4. What American middle name did Firoozeh add to her name in Newport Beach?

5. What was Aunt Parvine's profession?

(see the answer keys)

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