Fugitive Pieces Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fugitive Pieces Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Ben arrive on Idhra?
(a) When a stifling air mass is becalmed over the area.
(b) In the middle of a serious typhoon.
(c) When the tide surges are higher than normal.
(d) At a time of refreshing winds.

2. What does Jakob think Bella wants to do for him?
(a) Get close enough to push him back into the world.
(b) Teach him love.
(c) Show him how well they all are.
(d) Show him his potential.

3. What does Ben picture about Jakob's journals?
(a) Where Jakob might have buried them.
(b) How Jakob was so faithful in recording in them every day.
(c) Where Jakob might have sat to write many of the journals.
(d) Why Jakob burns some of them.

4. Who are Yoshi and Tomas?
(a) Two young scholars at the University.
(b) Two vineyard workers.
(c) The Salmans' sons.
(d) Jakob's young sons.

5. With what does Ben write his parents are obsessed?
(a) Guns.
(b) Food.
(c) Doors.
(d) Information.

6. What is Michaela's occupation?
(a) Secretary.
(b) Vineyard adminstrator.
(c) Museum administrator.
(d) Housewife.

7. What returns to Michaela when she speaks?
(a) Her body.
(b) Her clarity.
(c) Her mind.
(d) Her goodness.

8. When are Ben's parents liberated from a concentration camp?
(a) His mother is pregnant with Ben when they are liberated.
(b) Ten years before his birth.
(c) Four years before his birth.
(d) When he is two.

9. Where does Jakob image Bella being?
(a) A camp barracks.
(b) A home for orphans.
(c) A German officer's home.
(d) A vault.

10. How does the famed rabbi travel in the parable?
(a) Simply but openly.
(b) Incognito.
(c) Ostentatiously.
(d) With much elaborate preparations.

11. For what does Jakob yearn?
(a) A child.
(b) A way to love Michaela with no barriers.
(c) A sense of purpose now that his writings are complete.
(d) Forgetfulness.

12. What can lightning to to clothing?
(a) Contracts it so it's too tight.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Expand it so it falls off.
(d) Weaken the material.

13. Of what is Michaela afraid after visiting a museum?
(a) Becoming mummified.
(b) Her lands falling into other people's hands.
(c) Her culture dying.
(d) At the size of people in centuries past.

14. Approximately how many volts are in a bolt of lightning?
(a) 100 million.
(b) 3000.
(c) 400 million.
(d) 1 million.

15. Why can't Ben's father retire when he is of age?
(a) The official says his birth certificate is in error.
(b) He has not worked enough years.
(c) His father retires with no problem.
(d) He is not a citizen.

Short Answer Questions

1. What causes Jakob to want to show Michaela the Aegean?

2. How does Jakob feel in Greece?

3. How does Jakob's home influence Jakob?

4. What volume does Jakob select to read himself to sleep?

5. To what does Maurice suggest that Ben's thesis correlate?

(see the answer keys)

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