Fugitive Pieces Test | Final Test - Easy

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Fugitive Pieces Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the famed rabbi travel in the parable?
(a) With much elaborate preparations.
(b) Simply but openly.
(c) Incognito.
(d) Ostentatiously.

2. What does Ben picture about Jakob's journals?
(a) Where Jakob might have buried them.
(b) Where Jakob might have sat to write many of the journals.
(c) How Jakob was so faithful in recording in them every day.
(d) Why Jakob burns some of them.

3. Of what does being moral consist in the time of the Holocaust?
(a) Refusing to participate in evil.
(b) The greatest acts.
(c) The tiniest acts.
(d) The knowledge of what is happening and changing.

4. What is possible with recorded history?
(a) It can be forgotten.
(b) It can be altered.
(c) It can be erased.
(d) It can be resurrected.

5. What does Ben imagine happening to Petra as a child?
(a) Being imprinted by lightning.
(b) He cannot imagine her as a child.
(c) Being frozen in a pose of beauty.
(d) Being made to sit in the corner to dampen down her sensuality.

6. For what does Jakob yearn?
(a) A sense of purpose now that his writings are complete.
(b) Forgetfulness.
(c) A way to love Michaela with no barriers.
(d) A child.

7. What does Ben say the quest to recover someone's psyche is?
(a) A voyoristic exercise.
(b) A function of love.
(c) A futile act.
(d) A gift to those lost.

8. When does Ben first meet Jakob and Michaela?
(a) Irena's birthday party.
(b) A memorial service for Athos.
(c) Michaela's birthday party.
(d) Jakob's book signing.

9. When does Ben arrive on Idhra?
(a) When a stifling air mass is becalmed over the area.
(b) In the middle of a serious typhoon.
(c) When the tide surges are higher than normal.
(d) At a time of refreshing winds.

10. Of what does the house remind Ben?
(a) Uninterrupted lives when Krakatoa erupted.
(b) Uninterrupted lives when the last tidal wave struck Japan when he was there.
(c) Uninterrupted lives when an avalanche buried a Canadian town in the Rockies.
(d) Uninterrupted lives when Vesuvius erupted.

11. What is Michaela's occupation?
(a) Museum administrator.
(b) Secretary.
(c) Vineyard adminstrator.
(d) Housewife.

12. How does Ben react to the sight of the harbor at Idhra?
(a) He is disappointed.
(b) He finds it exciting but unintelligible.
(c) He thinks it's cluttered but interesting.
(d) He gasps.

13. What does Jakob note about how Jews live?
(a) They live in an eternal past.
(b) They live in the twilight.
(c) They live in the labyrinthine.
(d) They live in an eternal present.

14. What is Ben's favorite poet?
(a) Militias.
(b) He is not a lover of poetry.
(c) Athos.
(d) Jakob Beer.

15. What does Naomi do to escape the heat and humidity?
(a) Takes a cold shower.
(b) Turns the A/C on high in her car.
(c) Turns the thermostat down in the house.
(d) Lies in the spring in the back of the house.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is significant of Salonika?

2. Approximately how many volts are in a bolt of lightning?

3. What do Ben and Petra discover when they pull down the covers on Jakob's bed?

4. With what does Ben write his parents are obsessed?

5. Of what does Michaela speak enthusiastically?

(see the answer keys)

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