Fugitive Pieces Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fugitive Pieces Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jakob say every moment is?
(a) Two moments.
(b) An opportunity.
(c) A chance.
(d) Pain relived.

2. What does Jakob witness as he is hiding?
(a) His baby brother being carried away.
(b) The wrecking of the archeological site.
(c) His parents being led away in handcuffs.
(d) His mother kissing his father before his father is shot.

3. What does Jakob dream about as he sleeps?
(a) His parents being led off in handcuffs.
(b) The way his mother used to hold him.
(c) His parents being shot.
(d) Bella.

4. What is Jakob to do when Alex leaves him?
(a) Return to Poland.
(b) Find a more suitable wife.
(c) Return to Greece.
(d) Not step outside the door.

5. To whom does Jakob write letters?
(a) His cousins in the United States.
(b) The dead.
(c) The German government after the end of WWII.
(d) No one.

6. What does Jakob sense one day?
(a) That Bella has died.
(b) That the evil in the area has left.
(c) That Bella is nearby.
(d) That someone is looking for him.

7. What is "Bearing False Witness"?
(a) A book Jakob is writing.
(b) A tribute to comrades lost at Biskupin.
(c) A book Kostas just published.
(d) A new law that discriminates against minorities in Canada.

8. What does Athos insist that Jakob do?
(a) Forgive.
(b) Write down what he remembers of his family.
(c) Keep up on his Hebrew.
(d) Keep up on his Greek.

9. What about marriage does Alex enjoy?
(a) Nothing.
(b) The respectability.
(c) The sex.
(d) The security.

10. What do the Greeks seem to have caught from the Germans?
(a) Death as a solution.
(b) The virus of exclusion.
(c) The virus of violence.
(d) War as a way of change.

11. In what type of ground does Athos say one should be buried?
(a) Fertile ground.
(b) Sandy ground.
(c) Rocky ground.
(d) Ground that will remember the dead person buried there.

12. What does Jakob wonder if remembering does?
(a) Causes him to not go forward.
(b) Causes him to lose sight of beauty.
(c) Causes him to not forgive.
(d) Causes the dead pain.

13. On what stories does Alex's father raise her?
(a) About Poland.
(b) About Russia.
(c) About Alexander the Great.
(d) About the British military.

14. What does Athos do at the first sign of danger?
(a) Makes his way up the mountain to a cave.
(b) Crawls under the bed.
(c) Climbs in the sea chest.
(d) Sits in the chair shaking in terror.

15. How does Jakob approach listening to composers?
(a) Systematically.
(b) With just one ear covered by the headset.
(c) Studying everything about the composer before listening to his/her work.
(d) Randomly.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Jakob suffer from scurvy?

2. Why does Jakob not return to a grocery he shops at?

3. What is the name of the site where Jakob has just emerged?

4. What restaurants do Athos and Jakob frequent?

5. Where do Athos and Jakob take up residence in Toronto?

(see the answer keys)

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