Fudge-a-Mania Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fudge-a-Mania Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mitzi have on her left hand?

2. What does Peter decide he will tell Jimmy was wrong with their house that made them share a house with the Tubmans?

3. What is Sheila's best friend's name?

4. Where does Sheila take Fudge after lunch on her first day of babysitting?

5. What color is Sheila's dog, Jake?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Fudge propose to Sheila?

2. How does Fudge initially react when Peter pretends something is wrong with him?

3. What does Bicycle Bob look like?

4. How does Sheila react to Turtle?

5. Why is Fudge's questioning of Mrs. A about Uncle Feather confusing to her?

6. How does Sheila react to finding out that Jimmy Fargo is coming?

7. What does Peter think of Southwest Harbor when the family drives through it?

8. How does Tootsie act?

9. How do Mom, Dad, and Peter explain what "cooties" are?

10. What does Fudge do to stop conversations when someone disagrees with him?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Fudge-a-mania is a novel about growing up. Discuss growing up in the book.

1) How does Peter change over the course of the book? How does he change as he grows up?

2) How does Fudge represent childhood and Peter's past? What does Fudge show about childhood and being young? How does he need to change to grow up?

3) How do the adults in the novel show what it means to be an adult? What does Peter learn from adults? How do these lessons change him or help him grow up?

Essay Topic 2

In the novel, Grandma falls in love and gets married. Peter also falls for Izzy at the library. Discuss love in the novel.

1) What does love mean for Grandma and Buzzy Senior? What kind of a relationship do they have?

2) How do Peter and his family show their love each other?

3) What kind of love does Peter feel for Izzy? Compare Peter's feelings for Izzy with Grandma's feelings for Buzzy Senior.

Essay Topic 3

The characters in the novel must often respond to disappointing situations. Discuss how characters respond to disappointment in the novel.

1) How does Fudge respond when he can't find a book with his name in the title? How does Izzy deal with his response?

2) How does Frank Fargo respond when Tootsie walks on his painting? What does his response show about him as a character? What qualities allow him to have this response?

3) How does Sheila respond when her friend can't come on vacation? How does Peter respond when he does poorly at the baseball game? What other ways do characters respond to disappointment? What generalizations can you make about responses to disappointment in the novel?

(see the answer keys)

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