Fudge-a-Mania Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fudge-a-Mania Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why can't Mouse Ellis come to Maine?
(a) She has to go to summer school.
(b) She has chicken pox.
(c) She broke her leg.
(d) She is grounded.

2. What is Dad's rule about life jackets?
(a) All children have to wear one when the boat is moving.
(b) All children have to wear one all the time on the boat.
(c) Everyone has to wear one all the time on the boat.
(d) Everyone has to wear one when the boat is moving.

3. How does Dad react after Grandma takes over steering the sailboat?
(a) He is relaxed and happy.
(b) He is relieved.
(c) He is patronising to her.
(d) He sulks.

4. What is Bob's prescription for Peter's problem?
(a) Hot tea.
(b) Rest.
(c) Peppermints.
(d) Ice cream.

5. What cartoon character is on Libby's T-shirt?
(a) Garfield.
(b) Snoopy.
(c) Batman.
(d) Mickey Mouse.

6. Who does Fudge blame for getting him stuck in the bed?
(a) Peter.
(b) Uncle Feather.
(c) The bed.
(d) Himself.

7. What is the weather like on the day of the wedding?
(a) Overcast and threatening rain.
(b) Stormy with lightning.
(c) Cold and foggy.
(d) Clear and warm.

8. When Jimmy arrives inside the house with Peter, who does he go and talk to?
(a) Grandma.
(b) Tootsie.
(c) Uncle Feather.
(d) Fudge.

9. Where is the gallery that will show Mr. Fargo and Tootsie's paintings?
(a) SoHo.
(b) Cork Street.
(c) Chelsea.
(d) National Mall.

10. What does the sunscreen make Sheila smell like?
(a) A jasmine bush.
(b) Tootsie's baby oil.
(c) A coconut factory.
(d) Vanilla pudding with a side of medicine.

11. What does Big say that Jimmy needs to improve his baseball abilities?
(a) Attention.
(b) Confidence.
(c) Practice.
(d) Formal training.

12. What does Peter pour over Fudge's head?
(a) Water.
(b) Juice.
(c) Milk.
(d) Oil.

13. How does Sheila suggest renaming the man-overboard rule?
(a) As the life-saver rule.
(b) As the man-in-the-water rule.
(c) As the person-overboard rule.
(d) As the overboard-underboard rule.

14. How is Peter organizing his baseball cards when Mitzi shows up?
(a) By team.
(b) Alphabetically.
(c) By stats.
(d) By date.

15. What color bandanna does Fudge put on Turtle?
(a) Red.
(b) Yellow.
(c) Green.
(d) Blue.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Grandma and Buzzy Senior announce their engagement?

2. What does Mr. Fargo say when he first wakes up?

3. Where does Mr. Fargo set up his studio?

4. Who does Peter hope to see when he goes down to the beach?

5. Who pedals ahead when the kids bike to town?

(see the answer keys)

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