Fudge-a-Mania Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fudge-a-Mania Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What problem does Dad have with his bicycle?
(a) The gears are stuck.
(b) The handlebars are bent.
(c) The chain is broken.
(d) The tire is flat.

2. How old is Tootsie?
(a) Two and a half.
(b) Two.
(c) One and a half.
(d) Three.

3. What year was Southwest Harbor founded?
(a) 1885.
(b) 1925.
(c) 1905.
(d) 1865.

4. What rooms will Peter's family share with the Tubmans?
(a) The dining room and the kitchen.
(b) The kitchen and the bathroom.
(c) The bathroom and the living room.
(d) The living room and the kitchen.

5. How much does Mom pay Sheila to babysit Fudge?
(a) Seven dollars a day.
(b) Five dollars a day.
(c) Nine dollars a day.
(d) Three dollars a day.

6. Who told the family about the house in Maine?
(a) Shiela Tubman.
(b) Buzz Tubman.
(c) Jimmy Fargo.
(d) Frank Fargo.

7. Why does Peter say that he follows Sheila and Fudge to Mrs. A's house?
(a) He says that he wants to spend time with Fudge.
(b) He says that he wants to meet Mitzi.
(c) He says that he wants one of Mrs. A's snacks.
(d) He says that he wants to see how Sheila messes up babysitting.

8. What does Fudge usually call Peter?
(a) Peesy.
(b) Peetie.
(c) Tee-pee.
(d) Pee-tah.

9. What is the weather like when Uncle Feather goes missing?
(a) Sunny.
(b) Cloudy.
(c) Rainy.
(d) Foggy.

10. What is the maximum age to play in the baseball game?
(a) One hundred and four.
(b) One hundred and seven.
(c) One hundred and six.
(d) One hunded and five.

11. What does Fudge say that Uncle Feather dreams of?
(a) Being lost.
(b) Fires and earthquakes.
(c) Scary monsters.
(d) Being unable to fly.

12. What has Sheila done to prepare for babysitting?
(a) Taken care of a neighbor's cat.
(b) Studied a book.
(c) Practiced with dolls.
(d) Taken a course.

13. What reason does Fudge give for calling his brother by the nickname Pete?
(a) It's shorter and takes less time.
(b) It makes him feel more grown-up.
(c) It's easier to say.
(d) It's a better name for a big brother.

14. What is Jimmy's family situation?
(a) He's the youngest child and his brothers are grown and moved out.
(b) He's one of two brothers, and his other brother lives with his mother.
(c) He's the only child of a widower.
(d) He's the only child of divorced parents.

15. How long does Fudge say he'll put his marriage off for?
(a) Until he is ten.
(b) Until vacation.
(c) Until school starts.
(d) Until he is eighteen.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Peter and his family eat supper?

2. What does Fudge try to tell Buzzy Senior an embarrassing story about?

3. What does Peter do when he accidentally hits his head on the sloped ceiling of his room?

4. What is the name of the special shampoo the family uses on Turtle?

5. Where does Libby work?

(see the answer keys)

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