Frostbite Test | Final Test - Easy

Richelle Mead
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Frostbite Test | Final Test - Easy

Richelle Mead
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What will Adrian study at the school?
(a) Vampire history.
(b) Spirit magic.
(c) Politics.
(d) Self defense.

2. What happened to the Drozdov family?
(a) They have disappeared.
(b) They were killed.
(c) They were banished.
(d) They were changed.

3. Who is with Adrian when Rose comes to talk about her package?
(a) Dimitri.
(b) Janine.
(c) Lissa.
(d) Mia.

4. What is Mia's magic element?
(a) Time passage.
(b) Water.
(c) Mind control.
(d) Fire.

5. What does Rose fight with Dimitri about after the meeting about the Dozmov family?
(a) His feelings for her.
(b) His new assignment.
(c) His lack of training.
(d) His relationship with Tasha.

6. Why doesn't Dimitri choose to be Tasha's guardian?
(a) He wants to stay at the school.
(b) He is in love with Rose.
(c) He feels she doesn't need one.
(d) He likes working for Lissa.

7. How does Rose get by the guard when she escapes the ski lodge?
(a) She waits for the guard to read his magazine.
(b) She puts the guard to sleep.
(c) She has Christian trick the guard.
(d) She knocks out the guard.

8. Who is with Mason when he isn't in his room after the formal dinner?
(a) Christian.
(b) Mia.
(c) Dimitri.
(d) All of these.

9. What explodes after Mason dies?
(a) The toy box.
(b) The fire hydrant.
(c) The fish tank.
(d) The stove.

10. How does Rose stop Isaiah from attacking?
(a) She drinks his blood.
(b) She burns him.
(c) She chops his head off.
(d) She puts a stake in his heart.

11. How does Adrian try to find Rose?
(a) With his Spirit gift.
(b) With the tracking device.
(c) With Lissa's bond.
(d) With detective work.

12. How does Mason die?
(a) He is shot.
(b) He is poisoned.
(c) His neck is snapped.
(d) His blood is drained.

13. Who gave Rose the dress she wears to the formal dinner?
(a) Janine.
(b) Lissa.
(c) Tasha.
(d) Mia.

14. Why does Rose surrender when a human attacks?
(a) It is almost day break.
(b) It buys her some time.
(c) It is the rule.
(d) She needs to feed.

15. What weapon does Rose use against Elena?
(a) A gun.
(b) A sword.
(c) A stake.
(d) A knife.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Rose want Adrian to leave the school?

2. Who invites Rose to the formal dinner?

3. What does Dimitri say to end the argument with Rose after the meeting about the Dozmov family?

4. What weapon is used against Isaiah?

5. What does Rose ask of Mason while at the party?

(see the answer keys)

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