Front Desk Test | Final Test - Easy

Kelly Yang
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Front Desk Test | Final Test - Easy

Kelly Yang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 51, who does Mia write a letter to?
(a) Her own parents.
(b) Hank.
(c) The owners of the stores around the Calivista.
(d) The lawyers on the block.

2. What does Jason and his team get for winning the math competition in Chapter 32?
(a) Gum.
(b) Lollipops.
(c) Spaghetti.
(d) Pizza.

3. What is one reason Mia has a hard time with tenses in English?
(a) She was never taught tenses.
(b) She struggles with dyslexia and it makes it harder for her to learn tenses.
(c) There are no tenses in Chinese.
(d) She focuses too much on other elements of grammar.

4. What does Mia's mother say when Mia tells her about the kids in school being mad at her for not getting the math problem right for their team?
(a) She tells Mia they should have been able to get the answer themselves.
(b) She tells Mia that she has saved money for Mia to go to a new private school.
(c) She agrees with the kids at school.
(d) She tells Mia that is racist stereotyping.

5. Why is the security guard at the Topaz so mad at Mia in Chapter 51?
(a) He blames her for getting a pay cut.
(b) He blames her for losing his job.
(c) He blames her for the theft at his motel.
(d) He blames her for his arrest.

6. What does Mia's father say he is thankful for on Thanksgiving?
(a) That Mia's mother is OK.
(b) That Mia is entering the essay contest.
(c) That they are living at the Calivista.
(d) That he got to talk to his brother on the phone recently.

7. Why does Hank say he has the right to stay at the Calivista even though he cannot pay the rent in Chapter 30?
(a) He is related to the owner.
(b) He has been a resident for 6 months, so he has the right to stay for a while.
(c) He has coupons he can pay with.
(d) Mia said he could stay.

8. What does Mia say is the result of her moving schools so many times?
(a) She thinks of everyone as temporary.
(b) She keeps forgetting her own address.
(c) It is hard for her to learn English.
(d) It is hard for her to learn math.

9. What grade does Mia get on her essay in Chapter 27?
(a) A C minus.
(b) A B.
(c) An A.
(d) An F.

10. What does Mia's mother tell Mia she is like when it comes to learning English and writing in English?
(a) She is like a pencil while the native speakers are like pens.
(b) She is like a ball and the native speakers are like a bat.
(c) She is like a pool and the native speakers are like the ocean.
(d) She is like a bicycle while the native speakers are like cars.

11. Who runs after the thieves in Chapter 41?
(a) Mia.
(b) Lupe.
(c) Mia's father.
(d) Hank.

12. What do Mia's parents tell her about in Chapter 50 from their own country's history?
(a) The 100-year War.
(b) The Cultural Revolution.
(c) The Ming Dynasty.
(d) The Great Migration.

13. In Chapter 31, who comes to visit Mia's parents?
(a) Uncle Ming.
(b) Uncle Zao.
(c) Uncle Han.
(d) Uncle Zhu.

14. Why was the visitor to Mia's family in Chapter 35 fired from his job?
(a) He used his health insurance.
(b) He took a day off to visit his sick friend.
(c) He called a customer "baby," not realizing this was inappropriate.
(d) He got caught stealing.

15. What is Lupe's favorite thing to draw?
(a) Trees.
(b) Butterflies.
(c) Pasta.
(d) Lions.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mia's father buy for her in Chapter 34?

2. What does Lupe say to Mia that encourages her at the end of Chapter 27?

3. Who steps in at the hospital to save Mia's parents from a huge bill they cannot pay?

4. Why does the hospital administrator say Mia's family does not qualify for having fees waived?

5. In Chapter 41, what do Mia's parents offer to Hank?

(see the answer keys)

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