Front Desk Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kelly Yang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Front Desk Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kelly Yang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What grade is Mia going into in Part I?
(a) Eighth.
(b) Second.
(c) Fifth.
(d) Fourth.

2. Who owns the Calivista Motel?
(a) Mr. Chen.
(b) Mr. Shin.
(c) Mr. Yao.
(d) Mr. Ming.

3. What does Mia tell Jason about her first day at the front desk?
(a) She found out his father is trying to cheat her family.
(b) She is going to find a better job for herself.
(c) It was a disaster.
(d) It went super well.

4. What is the one item Mia's father and she are always looking for for her father's collection?
(a) A special Cross pen.
(b) A Civil War stamp.
(c) A 1943 copper alloy penny.
(d) A particular kind of spicy tea.

5. In which state is a couple looking to give away their motel in an essay contest?
(a) New York.
(b) Colorado.
(c) Connecticut.
(d) Vermont.

6. When does Mia witness Mr. Yao humiliating Jason?
(a) When Jason is scared of a bug.
(b) When Jason can not swim in the pool.
(c) When Jason makes a mistake in his baseball game.
(d) When he makes Jason work at the front desk.

7. What does Mia hear her parents arguing about in Chapter 7?
(a) Her father's actions in dealing with Mr. Yao.
(b) Her mother's spending habits on things like clothes and shoes.
(c) Her father's refusal to go to the hospital.
(d) Her mother's health insurance costs.

8. What is the real reason Mia does not want to participate in gym class?
(a) She has a bad foot.
(b) Her parents told her to be careful because they do not have health insurance.
(c) She feels uncoordinated.
(d) She feels sick every day when she runs.

9. What prize did Mia briefly get in fourth-grade that was almost immediately taken away?
(a) A flower.
(b) A new pack of markers.
(c) A glittery pencil.
(d) A special notebook that smelled like chocolate.

10. Who hears Mia playing piano in Chapter 14?
(a) Mrs. Douglas.
(b) Jason.
(c) Lupe.
(d) Mia's mother.

11. What does Mr. Yao tell Mia about his perception of good employees?
(a) Good employees are desperate.
(b) Good employees are always immigrants.
(c) Good employees do not ask for raises.
(d) Good employees know when to keep their mouths shut.

12. Where does Jason tell his class his family is from?
(a) Belgium.
(b) France.
(c) Japan.
(d) Taiwan.

13. Why is Mia offended at Jason's compliment in Chapter 14?
(a) He tells her he likes her playing but not the piece of music she chose.
(b) He insults her appearance at the same time he compliments her playing.
(c) He tells her he did not think Chinese people played piano.
(d) He insinuates that he is surprised she can play so well.

14. What does Mia see happening to Jason in Part I that makes her sympathetic to him?
(a) He gets robbed.
(b) His mother berates him in front of his friends.
(c) He loses his phone.
(d) He gets beaten up.

15. How much money did Mia's parents first come to America with?
(a) $500.
(b) $3000.
(c) $200.
(d) $2000.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of collection does Mia keep at the front desk?

2. What is Mia's favorite cereal?

3. Why did Mia's mother get fired from the Chinese restaurant in Chapter 1?

4. What is one thing Mia wants to ask Mr. Yao to install to make the front desk safer?

5. Who is the son of the owner of the Calivista Motel?

(see the answer keys)

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