From Russia With Love Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

From Russia With Love Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What room has Bond been moved to in his hotel?
(a) The Elvis room
(b) The honeymoon suite
(c) The river suite
(d) The Presidential suite

2. What does Kerim tell Bond about at lunch?
(a) His marriage
(b) His job
(c) His childhood
(d) Tatiana

3. Why does Tatiana want to take the Orient?
(a) It is more fun
(b) It is faster
(c) It is more romantic
(d) It is safer

4. Who does Bond find in the appointed meeting place?
(a) A youg girl
(b) General G
(c) M
(d) An old woman

5. Who killed Kerim?
(a) Grant
(b) The third Russian
(c) Klebb
(d) Tatiana

6. Who is the fight between?
(a) Two men over land
(b) Two men in love with the same woman
(c) Two women in love with the same man
(d) Two women over land

7. What is the first thing Bond does at his hotel?
(a) Calls M
(b) Falls asleep
(c) Has a bath
(d) Has dinner

8. Who does Kerim not trust?
(a) Grant
(b) M
(c) Tatiana
(d) Bond

9. What does Klebb try to scratch Bond with?
(a) Her finger nails
(b) Razors
(c) Sewing needles
(d) Kntting needles

10. What excuse does Tatiana give for taking Bond back to their room?
(a) She is tired
(b) He is tired
(c) They have to unpack
(d) They need to hide

11. What is the name of the leader of the local MI5 offices?
(a) Jacob Serum
(b) Darko Kerim
(c) Davor Gott
(d) Hildo Suker

12. How does Kerim say he intends to kill the faceless one's leader?
(a) In water
(b) In cold blood
(c) With a knife
(d) With a bomb

13. Who does Kerim have to apologize to?
(a) The gypsies
(b) Bond
(c) Tatiana
(d) The Russians

14. Why does Kerim want Bond to leave the train?
(a) He think there is a plot against him
(b) He is scared of trains
(c) The train is too slow
(d) He think Tatiana is an assassin

15. Where does Kerim's son take Bond and Tatiana?
(a) A hotel
(b) An underground lair
(c) A restaurant
(d) His apartment

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bond kill Grant with?

2. What does the Russian try to do when he can find his passport?

3. Who does Nash say is staying next to Tatiana and Bond?

4. Why do the gypsies hesitate to allow Bond into the compound?

5. Who are the faceless ones working for?

(see the answer keys)

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