From Russia With Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

From Russia With Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Grant have to prove himself to the Russian government?
(a) He had to undergo torture
(b) He had to go on a mission
(c) He had to meet the President
(d) He had to kill his family

2. What does Bond see following his car?
(a) A helicopter
(b) A motorscooter
(c) A bicycle
(d) A motorbike

3. What game does Kronsteen play?
(a) Backgammon
(b) Chess
(c) Poker
(d) Ludo

4. What has Tatiana agreed to hand over in exchange for seeing Bond?
(a) Her Russian passport
(b) A heavily armored Lada car
(c) A Spektor machine
(d) A lazer torch

5. What character do we meet for the for the first time at the beginning of this chapter?
(a) Quarry
(b) Honeysuckle
(c) James Bond
(d) Felix Leiter

6. Who was Grant raised by?
(a) The KGB
(b) His aunt
(c) His brother
(d) His grandparents

7. What is SMERSH's purpose?
(a) To spy on dissenters
(b) To develop plans for the Russian government
(c) To execute Russia's enemies
(d) To plant bombs

8. Who is the message from?
(a) M
(b) General G
(c) General Y
(d) Q

9. What country was Grant born in?
(a) USA
(b) England
(c) Ireland
(d) Russia

10. What does Grant think if he should ask for now he has become so important to the Russian government?
(a) More freedom
(b) A new house
(c) More money
(d) A car

11. What does General G want Kronsteen to plan?
(a) His new car
(b) Bond's death
(c) Kennedy's death
(d) His new house

12. What did Grant offer his service to the Soviets as?
(a) A presidential Aide
(b) A spy
(c) A body guard
(d) A hired killer

13. What does Kronsteen think is the best way to get rid of Bond?
(a) To shoot him in cold blood
(b) To hire someone close to him
(c) To lure him to a Russian controlled country
(d) To bomb his car

14. What did Grant join when the police became suspicious of him?
(a) The KGB
(b) The Royal Corps
(c) The IRA
(d) The Foreign Legion

15. What is the name of the woman Bond was rumored to be engaged to?
(a) Tiffany Case
(b) Tatiana Romanova
(c) Tracy Drago
(d) Honey Shovel

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the SMERSH leader?

2. What is a Spektor machine?

3. What does Klebb give Tatiana to help her?

4. What does General G initially interrogate Kronsteen about?

5. Who does Bond think the salesman could be?

(see the answer keys)

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