From Hell: Being a Melodrama in Sixteen Parts Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

From Hell: Being a Melodrama in Sixteen Parts Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Albert in treatment for with Gull?
(a) Syphilis.
(b) Cancer.
(c) Tuberculosis.
(d) Chlamydia.

2. What does Lees claim to have to Abberline?
(a) Knowledge of the murder.
(b) One of the targeted prostitutes.
(c) Jack's knife.
(d) Albert's daughter.

3. What affectionate gesture does Gull perform on Mary's body?
(a) He washes her hands.
(b) He embraces her.
(c) He combs her hair.
(d) He brushes her teeth.

4. What does a police officer tell Gull about Kate Eddows, who has given a false name upon arrest?
(a) She is Mary Kelly.
(b) She is Alice's nurse.
(c) She is the Queen's confidante.
(d) She is Albert's wife.

5. What does Netley give to Liz?
(a) A flower.
(b) A kerchief.
(c) A shawl.
(d) A bonnet.

6. For what reason does Lees take Abberline to Gull's home?
(a) He noticed Gull had blood on his cuff one night.
(b) He is still angry over the snub.
(c) He saw Gull murder Mary Kelly.
(d) He overheard Gull telling the Queen about the murders.

7. Who replaces the resigned Warren?
(a) James Monro.
(b) Abberline.
(c) Godley.
(d) Thick.

8. Why do Abberline's superiors order him and Lees to never speak of Gull again?
(a) They have been paid off by Netley.
(b) They are Masons.
(c) They do not believe Abberline.
(d) They have been promised promotions by the Queen.

9. What is Gull's first vision while in Mary's apartment?
(a) His conversation with Hinton.
(b) A modern office building.
(c) William Blake.
(d) His father's death.

10. Why is Abberline dressed up in Chapter 11?
(a) He is going to meet "Emma."
(b) He is being promoted.
(c) He is leaving town.
(d) He is going to the theater.

11. How does Sickert attempt to comfort Albert in Chapter 8?
(a) He takes him to see Alice.
(b) He hugs him.
(c) He kisses him.
(d) He gets him high on opium.

12. Why does Liz spit out the grapes?
(a) She is allergic to grapes.
(b) They tasted off.
(c) Netley tells her he urinated on them.
(d) She hates grapes.

13. What does Abberline discover during the inquests into Mary's murder?
(a) The testimonies put Gull at the scene of the murder.
(b) The testimonies conflict.
(c) The police officers are all Masons.
(d) Mary is still alive.

14. While drinking with Druitt, what does his acquaintance trick him into writing?
(a) The "From Hell" letter.
(b) The "Saucy Jacky" letter.
(c) Ransom note.
(d) Suicide note.

15. How does Netley manage to pick up Kate Eddows?
(a) He suggests that he wants to hire her boyfriend.
(b) He offers to get her a job somewhere.
(c) He tells her Gull wants her services.
(d) He offers to pay her bail.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to false evidence and the letter, who is Druitt identified as?

2. How is Mary Kelly dealing with the knowledge of her last days alive?

3. What is significant about Druitt's acquaintance, who gets him drunk?

4. What is strange about Gull's treatment of Liz?

5. Why does Druitt lose his job as a teacher?

(see the answer keys)

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