From Beirut to Jerusalem Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Thomas Friedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

From Beirut to Jerusalem Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Thomas Friedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the chapter on Beirut, when does Friedman's Jewishness affect him?
(a) When he applies for travel credentials.
(b) When he goes out to dinner.
(c) When he looks for a fixer.
(d) When he applies for an interview with Arafat.

2. What are the names of the two major Israeli political parties at the time of the invasion?
(a) The Likud Party and the Liberal Party.
(b) The Labor Party and the Liberal Party.
(c) The Liberal Party and the Conservative Party.
(d) The Likud Party and the Labor Party.

3. According to Friedman, by October, 1983, what do most Beirutis consider the Marines to be?
(a) A welcome help in rebuilding Beirut.
(b) An occupying force.
(c) Another militia group.
(d) Another political group.

4. What happens when the minute fighting stops in Bierut?
(a) Children start playing in the streets.
(b) Shopkeepers open up their shops and life is back to normal.
(c) Cars are moved into garages to prevent damage to them when fighting starts again.
(d) People stay inside because they are afraid.

5. Why is the PLO in a strange position?
(a) Arafat won't acknowledge the Israelis, so the Israelis won't acknowledge the PLO.
(b) Because the PLO won't acknowledge the Israelis, so there is no way to negotiate with them.
(c) Because Arafat only wants the PLO to engage in terrorism.
(d) Because the international community views the PLO as a terrorist organization.

Short Answer Questions

1. When does the Israeli invasion of Lebanon begin?

2. Friedman says that Sharon is a classic example of what?

3. What area was partitioned after World War II by the United Nations?

4. Where do correspondents in Beirut verify their facts?

5. Where do the Friedmans fly to from Geneva at the beginning of the book?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did Friedman refer to Yasir Arafat as the "teflon guerrilla"?

2. What two suicide bombings occurred in 1983 against American targets?

3. What are the groups that basically form the Lebanon that wins independence from France in 1943?

4. Who or what was the Muslim Brotherhood and what did they want?

5. What happens to the planned peace march in 1984?

6. When and why was Arafat able to take control of the PLO?

7. In Chapter 1, Friedman says that the book is about his journey between two worlds. What are these two worlds?

8. What two events happen immediately upon Friedman's return to Beirut in April, 1982?

9. Why does Friedman feel that in the early 1980s the PLO is presenting itself as a victim?

10. Friedman relates the story of driving to the airport in a taxi and ignoring a kidnapping. What does this say about life in Beirut?

(see the answer keys)

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