Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. How many Asian American crowded in the back room of the Golden Star on March 20, 1983?
(a) 20 or 30.
(b) 25.
(c) 35.
(d) 30 or 40.
2. In 1983, how many defendants convicted of manslaughter in Michigan received probation?
(a) 70 out 311.
(b) 60 out 215.
(c) 58 out of 209.
(d) 82 out of 417.
3. Where was Jarod's father born?
(a) Los Angeles.
(b) Chicago.
(c) San Francisco.
(d) Denver.
4. How many days was Vincent in the hospital before he died?
(a) 2.
(b) 5.
(c) 3.
(d) 4.
5. How did David Bing Hing, Chin, Vincent's father die?
(a) Work accident.
(b) Lung cancer.
(c) Auto accident.
(d) Kidney disease.
Short Answer Questions
1. At Henry Ford Hopsital where Vincent was admitted, how many patients might they deal with in a 24-hour cycle?
2. When did more than 100 Asian Americans from all over Wayne County area meet at the Chinese Welfare Council building and establish the American Citizens for Justice?
3. When did David Ashenfelter and John Castine write a six-part investigative series on manslaughter sentencing in Michigan?
4. Who suggested that they let people know that it was the verdict was wrong even if they could not change it?
5. When Vincent arrived at the hospital, what was his chance of survival?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why could Ebens and Nitz not be retried?
2. Who was Liz Chen and how did she become involved in the justice for Vincent Chin campaign?
3. What businesses were shut down during the first rally for Vincent, and why was that a big deal?
4. What did Helen Zia suggest they do since they could not overturn the sentencing?
5. Where did Vincent go for a bachelor party, and what happened there?
6. What sentence did Judge Kaufman give Ebens and Nitz and why?
7. In 1980, what percent of U.S. population was Asian Americans?
8. What was VIncent's life like before he died?
9. What were Ebens and Nitz charged with, and why?
10. Why did Officer Morris Cotton believe that Ebens should have been kept in jail?
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