Frindle Test | Final Test - Medium

Andrew Clements
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Frindle Test | Final Test - Medium

Andrew Clements
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mr. Allen do with the money from the sale of "frindle" items?
(a) He starts a secret bank account for Nick.
(b) He uses it to pay for a family vacation.
(c) He gives it to Nick and tells him he can decide what to do with it.
(d) He buys Nick a new bike.

2. What does Mrs. Granger tell Nick about the word "pen"?
(a) It comes from another language and so it is not really an English word, anyway.
(b) It has a long history and makes sense.
(c) It is her favorite word.
(d) She does not like the word either, but that does not mean Nick can just replace it.

3. Why does Mrs. Granger not give Nick the letter that she has written to him?
(a) She says that she is not yet sure she wants to give it to him.
(b) She wants to read it out loud to him.
(c) She does not want him to read it until after everything is over.
(d) She says that she will only send it if he keeps using the word "frindle."

4. Who has the idea to get every fifth grader to ask Mrs. Granger for a "frindle"?
(a) Janet.
(b) Nick.
(c) John.
(d) Pete.

5. What is the name of Nick's local newspaper?
(a) The New Haven Journal.
(b) The Westfield Journal.
(c) The Westfield Gazette.
(d) The New Haven Gazette.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do the students at Nick's school react when they hear about the class picture?

2. What is in the envelope that gets delivered to the newspaper reporter at work on the morning after she interviews people at the school?

3. What does Mrs. Allen tell Mrs. Chatham when Mrs. Chatham finishes explaining the problem at school?

4. When Mrs. Granger asks Nick to stay after school, how does he feel?

5. What reason does Nick give Mrs. Granger for not stopping using the word "frindle"?

Short Essay Questions

1. After they first hear the word "frindle," how do the class and Mrs. Granger react?

2. In Chapter Eight, "Mightier than the Sword," how does Nick feel when Mrs. Granger asks him to stay and talk to her after school, and why does he feel this way?

3. What is "freedom of the press," and how is it related to this book?

4. What happens when the fifth grade picture is taken?

5. What does Mrs. Granger tell the newspaper reporter in Chapter Ten, "Freedom of the Press"?

6. What is funny about the reporter's conversation with the students outside the school?

7. When the television reporter comes to interview Nick, what two things does Mrs. Allen do to try to make sure that the interview goes well?

8. What happens when Pete suggests that they try to get all of the fifth graders to ask Mrs. Granger for a "frindle"?

9. When the school principal comes to visit his parents, what game does it make Nick think of, and who does he think his mother and Mrs. Chatham are, in that game?

10. What starts happening to Nick at school and around town after the newspaper article is printed, and how does he feel about it?

(see the answer keys)

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