Frindle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Andrew Clements
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Frindle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Andrew Clements
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Nick end up with extra homework on his first day of fifth grade?
(a) He brags to the class that he did not do any homework in fourth grade.
(b) He tells the teacher that he does not think that homework is a good idea.
(c) He gets caught trying to leave class a few minutes early.
(d) He tries to distract his teacher with a question so that she forgets to give homework.

2. Who puts an end to the tropical island theme in Nick's classroom?
(a) Nick's mother.
(b) The principal.
(c) The teacher.
(d) Nick.

3. What interesting fact about English does Mrs. Granger tell the class?
(a) It is very difficult to learn.
(b) It is related to German.
(c) It is the language with the most words.
(d) It contains words borrowed from many other languages.

4. Who is the author of Frindle?
(a) Brian Selznick.
(b) Simon Schuster.
(c) Andrew Clements.
(d) Chris Van Allsburg.

5. What school does Nick go to?
(a) Washington Elementary.
(b) Hayes Elementary.
(c) Lincoln Elementary.
(d) Roosevelt Elementary.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who gets in trouble for the prank that Nick plays on Mrs. Avery?

2. When do Nick's parents expect homework to be done?

3. In Chapter Four, "Word Detective," what are the neighborhood kids doing while Nick does homework?

4. Why does Nick not use the introduction to his dictionary to write his report?

5. What is Nick's older brother's name?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter One, "Nick," what does Nick discover about blackbirds, and what does he do about it?

2. In Chapter Two, "Mrs. Granger," who is Mrs. Granger, and what kind of a person is she?

3. In Chapter One, "Nick," how does Nick turn his classroom into a tropical island?

4. How does Mrs. Avery react to Nick's blackbird noise?

5. Who is James, and what does he have to do with Nick's homework?

6. In Chapter Six, "The Big Idea," how does Nick put his "frindle" plan into action?

7. What "question" does the title of Chapter Three refer to, and what happens when that question is asked?

8. In Chapter Four, "Word Detective," why is Nick upset about doing his homework?

9. In Chapter Five, "The Report," what is Nick's plan to waste class time, and how does Mrs. Granger react?

10. In Chapter One, "Nick," how do the different school staff members react to Nick's "tropical island"?

(see the answer keys)

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