Frindle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Andrew Clements
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Frindle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Andrew Clements
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who gets in trouble for the prank that Nick plays on Mrs. Avery?
(a) Janet.
(b) Karen.
(c) Ellen.
(d) Sarah.

2. Why do Nick and Janet miss the bus?
(a) Mrs. Granger keeps them after school.
(b) They have a soccer game.
(c) They are busy talking and lose track of time.
(d) They have a school newspaper meeting.

3. What is "phase two" of Nick's plan for his report?
(a) Making up the word "frindle."
(b) Reading from his dictionary's introduction.
(c) Inviting the class to make up their own words.
(d) Asking a question about who decides what words mean.

4. When do Nick's parents expect homework to be done?
(a) Right after school.
(b) They do not have a rule about this.
(c) Before dinner.
(d) Before bedtime.

5. What is Nick's last name?
(a) Granger.
(b) Deaver.
(c) Avery.
(d) Allen.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Nick's teacher react to the tropical island decorations?

2. Who is Nick's fifth-grade language arts teacher?

3. What prank does Nick play in his third-grade classroom?

4. What interesting fact about English does Mrs. Granger tell the class?

5. What does Mrs. Granger say about the dictionary?

Short Essay Questions

1. What evidence is there in Chapter 4, "Word Detective," that Nick's family values reading?

2. In Chapter Four, "Word Detective," why is Nick upset about doing his homework?

3. In Chapter Five, "The Report," what two reasons are there for Nick's nervousness about giving his report?

4. In Chapter Two, "Mrs. Granger," who is Mrs. Granger, and what kind of a person is she?

5. Explain the three steps that lead to Nick's "frindle" plan.

6. Who is James, and what does he have to do with Nick's homework?

7. In Chapter One, "Nick," what does Nick discover about blackbirds, and what does he do about it?

8. What "question" does the title of Chapter Three refer to, and what happens when that question is asked?

9. In Chapter Six, "The Big Idea," how does Nick put his "frindle" plan into action?

10. In Chapter One, "Nick," how does Nick turn his classroom into a tropical island?

(see the answer keys)

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