Frindle Test | Final Test - Easy

Andrew Clements
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Frindle Test | Final Test - Easy

Andrew Clements
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who tells Nick that calling a pen a "frindle" is a funny idea?
(a) Janet.
(b) Mrs. Granger.
(c) John.
(d) Pete.

2. What reason does Nick give Mrs. Granger for not stopping using the word "frindle"?
(a) He knows it upsets her.
(b) He is trying to make an important point about language.
(c) He and his friends have taken an oath.
(d) He has a right to speak however he chooses.

3. Who is Mrs. Margaret Chatham?
(a) Pete's mother.
(b) The school principal.
(c) Nick's fifth grade math teacher.
(d) The president of the school board.

4. Why does Mrs. Granger not give Nick the letter that she has written to him?
(a) She says that she will only send it if he keeps using the word "frindle."
(b) She does not want him to read it until after everything is over.
(c) She wants to read it out loud to him.
(d) She says that she is not yet sure she wants to give it to him.

5. Who tells the reporter "it is not a battle" (61)?
(a) Nick.
(b) Mrs. Granger.
(c) Mrs. Allen.
(d) Mrs. Chatham.

6. How do the students at Nick's school react when they hear about the class picture?
(a) They think it is great that Nick and his friends upset the teachers.
(b) They all try to think of something funny to do in their class pictures.
(c) They think it was wrong to spoil the picture.
(d) They all start using the word "frindle."

7. What do Nick and his friends plan for school picture day?
(a) All of the fifth graders tape a picture of a pen labeled "frindle" to their shirts before getting their pictures taken.
(b) The fifth graders hold up pens and say "frindle" when their class picture is taken.
(c) He and his friends stand together and spell out the letters "F-R-I-N-D-L-E" with their hands in the class photo.
(d) He and his friends all hold up signs that say "frindle" during the class photo.

8. What makes the school secretary irritated when the newspaper reporter asks her about "frindle"?
(a) She thinks that making up a word is ridiculous.
(b) She has never really like Nick.
(c) She is tired of talking to reporters.
(d) She has to talk to parents about it all day.

9. Why does the newspaper article stir up trouble?
(a) It contains lies about Nick.
(b) It asks everyone in town to start using the word "frindle."
(c) It is very dramatic.
(d) It contains lies about the school.

10. While they are talking with Mrs. Chatham, how does Nick's father look?
(a) Amused.
(b) Embarrassed.
(c) Bored.
(d) Angry.

11. What does Mrs. Allen tell Mrs. Chatham when Mrs. Chatham finishes explaining the problem at school?
(a) She is very sorry that her son has been disrespectful.
(b) She is embarrassed that Nick ruined the fifth grade picture.
(c) She thinks that the school is making a big deal over nothing.
(d) She wants her son removed from Mrs. Granger's class.

12. What does the school principal tell the newspaper reporter about the "frindle" problem?
(a) The students are teaching Mrs. Granger an important lesson.
(b) It is just a false rumor, and nothing really happened.
(c) The students are just trying to be disrespectful.
(d) It is just a prank.

13. After his meeting with Mrs. Granger in Chapter Eight, "Mightier than the Sword," what does Nick suddenly realize?
(a) Mrs. Granger is enjoying the battle against Nick.
(b) Mrs. Granger has a better sense of humor than he realized.
(c) Mrs. Granger is sad that Nick does not respect her.
(d) Mrs. Granger is willing to do anything to defeat Nick.

14. Why does the principal allow the reporter to talk to Mrs. Granger?
(a) Because Mrs. Granger asked to talk to the reporter.
(b) Because she does not think that Mrs. Granger will be willing to talk to the reporter.
(c) Because she thinks that Mrs. Granger will do a good job defending the school.
(d) Because she really cannot stop it from happening, anyway.

15. What does Bud Lawrence do?
(a) He writes a new dictionary with the word "frindle" in it.
(b) He interviews Nick for the television news.
(c) He follows Nick around town teasing him.
(d) He creates pens with the word "frindle" on them.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Nick choose to introduce his new word to the school?

2. What do the students tell the reporter they have started doing with the word "frindle"?

3. Why does the author have many different characters repeat the sentence, "What is the meaning of this?" (68-69)?

4. When Mr. Allen asks Nick to put an end to everyone using the word "frindle," what does Nick tell him?

5. Who is Mrs. Freed?

(see the answer keys)

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