Frindle Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Andrew Clements
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Frindle Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Andrew Clements
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 5: Chapter Thirteen, ("Ripples") through Chapter Fifteen, ("And the Winner Is").

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is fifth grade different from third and fourth grades?
(a) The fifth graders get an extra recess because they are older.
(b) The fifth graders are expected to do work in the summertime, before school starts.
(c) It is at a different school building.
(d) It is more serious because students are getting ready for middle school.

2. Who tells the reporter "it is not a battle" (61)?
(a) Mrs. Allen.
(b) Nick.
(c) Mrs. Chatham.
(d) Mrs. Granger.

3. Why do Nick and Janet miss the bus?
(a) Mrs. Granger keeps them after school.
(b) They are busy talking and lose track of time.
(c) They have a soccer game.
(d) They have a school newspaper meeting.

4. Why does Nick not use the introduction to his dictionary to write his report?
(a) It is above his reading level.
(b) It does not have any useful information.
(c) He does not realize it is there until he has already written his report.
(d) The introduction to his dictionary is missing.

5. What is Nick's last name?
(a) Granger.
(b) Avery.
(c) Allen.
(d) Deaver.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who tells the reporter "Mrs. Granger has kept Nick after school so much that everyone thinks she wants to adopt him" (63)?

2. What is an important surprise that Nick receives from reading Mrs. Granger's letter in Chapter Fifteen, "And the Winner Is"?

3. What kind of bird does Nick learn to do an impression of?

4. In Chapter 14, "Inside Nick," what does Mrs. Granger tell Nick about his future?

5. Who is Nick's fifth-grade language arts teacher?

(see the answer key)

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