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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What word from "Frightful Takes Off" refers to an insect making a shrill sound, such as a cricket or grasshopper?
(a) Caulating.
(b) Undulating.
(c) Ruinating.
(d) Stridulating.
2. Why is Sam unable to keep Frightful?
(a) His sister refuses to allow him to keep the bird.
(b) He has an arrest warrant and will serve time in jail.
(c) He does not have a falconer's license.
(d) He does not have food for Frightful.
3. Where is the preen gland located on a bird?
(a) Under the wing.
(b) The base of the tail.
(c) Below the neck.
(d) On top of the wing.
4. How old are the eyases when they reach the size of their parents?
(a) Five weeks old.
(b) Three weeks old.
(c) Seven weeks old.
(d) Six weeks old.
5. How has Frightful been injured when Jon Wood finds her in "Disaster Leads to Survival"?
(a) She has broken a leg fleeing a net.
(b) She has been electrified on a transformer.
(c) She has been shot by a hunter.
(d) She has broken her wing from a fall from a cliff.
Short Answer Questions
1. Over what valley does Frightful fly with the male peregrine in "Frightful Takes Off"?
2. How has Duchess become free in "Hunger is Frightful's Teacher"?
3. From what kind of hide does the author of the Forward describe making bitwits and other falconry tools in the Forward?
4. Where does the author of the Forward describe going to meet Al Nye during his falconry days?
5. What term refers to the semi-translucent membrane that forms an inner eyelid on birds?
Short Essay Questions
1. What foreshadowing is revealed regarding the poachers in "Disaster Leads to Survival"?
2. How do the students respond to Frightful when she is shown in Roxbury?
3. What conflicts does Frightful face in "Frightful Takes Off"?
4. Who is Sam Gribley and where does he live?
5. How does Sam respond when he first sees Frightful in "Frightful Finds Sam"?
6. What foreshadowing regarding the bridge is revealed in "Disaster Leads to Survival"?
7. Where do Lady, Drum, and Duchess go when they depart the nest in "The Wilderness Tests the Eyases"?
8. What happens to Frightful just as she spots Jon Wood in "Disaster Leads to Survival"? Why?
9. How does Frightful respond to the eyases in "Frightful Goes to Falcon School"?
10. Who is Joe Cassini and what is his job?
This section contains 854 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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