Frightful's Mountain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Frightful's Mountain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the middle school drummer who plays for the childrens' protest in "The Kids are Heard"?
(a) Sarah Strawberry.
(b) Leon Longbridge.
(c) Hughie Smith.
(d) Peter Westerly.

2. Who takes the eyases from Frightful's aerie to move them from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services in "There are Three"?
(a) Flip Pearson.
(b) Lon Herbert.
(c) Joe Cassini.
(d) Better Christopher.

3. Where does Sam tell Frightful he has been watching her from in "There are Eggs and Trouble"?
(a) The Delhi Church belltower.
(b) Union Hill.
(c) His hemlock tree.
(d) Federal Hill.

4. What kind of wild tubers does Sam cook with his wild trout in "A Pal Finds a Pal"?
(a) Wild beets.
(b) Green onion tubers.
(c) Wild carrots.
(d) Cattail tubers.

5. Who is the newspaper reporter that told Leon Longbridge about Sam's home, according to the narrator in "A Pal Finds a Pal"?
(a) Phil.
(b) Matt.
(c) Gene.
(d) Paul.

6. What does Fearful catch after Chup shows up at her aerie in "A Pal Finds a Pal"?
(a) A pigeon.
(b) A duck.
(c) A rabbit.
(d) A cat.

7. What does Mole flush that Frightful grabs to take back to her nest in "A Pal Finds a Pal"?
(a) A squirrel.
(b) A rat.
(c) A pheasant.
(d) A rabbit.

8. Who are the men from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services revealed to be in "Sam Takes Charge"?
(a) Rehabilitationists.
(b) Spies.
(c) Poachers.
(d) Zoo owners.

9. Where has Sam moved the eyas so that Frightful will see it at the end of "Sam Battles Bird Instincts"?
(a) The top of the hemlock tree.
(b) The roof of the mill house.
(c) The cupola over City Hall.
(d) The bell tower of the church.

10. Who helps Sam in erecting a pole to put Frightful's nesting box upon in "Frightful and Oksi Run the Show"?
(a) Bando.
(b) Mrs. Strawberry.
(c) Alice.
(d) Lon Herbert.

11. From what Native American tribe is Dan Martin descended?
(a) Karuk.
(b) Wintu.
(c) Cherokee.
(d) Mohawk.

12. Who is the librarian in Delhi?
(a) Heinz Meng.
(b) Mrs. Strawberry.
(c) Better Christopher.
(d) Miss Turner.

13. Who is the eyas that has been left behind by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services men in "Sam Takes Charge"?
(a) Oksi.
(b) Chup.
(c) Screamer.
(d) Drum.

14. What does Alice get from Sam to make a collar for Mole in "A Pal Finds a Pal"?
(a) Hemp.
(b) Rawhide.
(c) Nylon.
(d) Rope.

15. Who is the peregrine expert from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that arrives at the bridge in "There are Three"?
(a) Dr. Werner.
(b) Dr. Wood.
(c) Dr. Cassini.
(d) Dr. Meng.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the first eyas of Frightful's that hatches?

2. When did Thomas Paine travel to France on his first trip?

3. What does Sam go to plant at Mrs. Strawberry's farm in "There are Eggs and Trouble"?

4. On what mountain does Sam live?

5. With whom had Sam caught Skri leaving a cave last June, according to the narrator in "A Pal Finds a Pal"?

(see the answer keys)

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