Frightful's Mountain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Frightful's Mountain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the middle school drummer who plays for the childrens' protest in "The Kids are Heard"?
(a) Sarah Strawberry.
(b) Hughie Smith.
(c) Peter Westerly.
(d) Leon Longbridge.

2. Where has Sam moved the eyas so that Frightful will see it at the end of "Sam Battles Bird Instincts"?
(a) The top of the hemlock tree.
(b) The bell tower of the church.
(c) The cupola over City Hall.
(d) The roof of the mill house.

3. On what day of incubation do the jackhammers stop in "The Kids are Heard"?
(a) Day 12.
(b) Day 20.
(c) Day 15.
(d) Day 23.

4. At what time does Frightful's mate bring food to her while the construction crew is breaking in "The Kids are Heard"?
(a) 2:00.
(b) 11:00.
(c) 1:00.
(d) 12:00.

5. For how many days do falcons incubate their eggs?
(a) 24.
(b) 35.
(c) 31.
(d) 21.

6. On what mountain does Sam live?
(a) Peaks Brook Mountain.
(b) White Man Mountan.
(c) Hotspur Mountain.
(d) West Winterly Mountain.

7. What happens when Frightful attacks Mole in "Frightful and Oksi Run the Show"?
(a) He falls into the millpond.
(b) He is carried to the bridge.
(c) Frightful is shot by Sam.
(d) Mole is shot by Sam.

8. Who takes the eyases from Frightful's aerie to move them from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services in "There are Three"?
(a) Flip Pearson.
(b) Lon Herbert.
(c) Joe Cassini.
(d) Better Christopher.

9. How many birds live long enough to raise their own young, according to Sam in "Frightful and Oksi Run the Show"?
(a) Three out of five.
(b) Three out of ten.
(c) Two out of three.
(d) Four out of ten.

10. Who are the men from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services revealed to be in "Sam Takes Charge"?
(a) Spies.
(b) Rehabilitationists.
(c) Poachers.
(d) Zoo owners.

11. Who does Perry Knowlton call when he first sees Frightful wearing jesses on the bridge in "Sam Battles Bird Instincts"?
(a) Jon Wood.
(b) Sam Gribley.
(c) Flip Pearson.
(d) Mrs. Strawberry.

12. To whom does Sam read about Thomas Paine in the end of "Frightful and Oksi Run the Show"?
(a) Alice.
(b) Oksi.
(c) Mole.
(d) Frightful.

13. Molly recognizes Frightful as the bridge bird based on black spots on her breast feathers that are shaped like what, in "Frightful and Oksi Run the Show"?
(a) Hearts.
(b) Crosses.
(c) Stars.
(d) Diamonds.

14. What color is Oksi's beak described as being when she is six days old in "A Pal Finds a Pal"?
(a) Pale blue.
(b) Black.
(c) Dark brown.
(d) Dark blue.

15. Where does Sam tell Frightful he has been watching her from in "There are Eggs and Trouble"?
(a) The Delhi Church belltower.
(b) Union Hill.
(c) Federal Hill.
(d) His hemlock tree.

Short Answer Questions

1. At sundown on Sam's first night of his trek in "A Pal Finds a Pal," he and Mole settle down by an abandoned barn on what mountain?

2. What does Sam use to disguise himself when he feeds Frightful's eyas in "Sam Battles Bird Instincts"?

3. What does Mole catch for him and Sam to eat on the first night of their journey in "A Pal Finds a Pal"?

4. Who wrote the book called Thomas Paine that Sam reads in "Frightful and Oksi Run the Show"?

5. Who is the cafe owner to inquires about the bridge work in "There are Eggs and Trouble"?

(see the answer keys)

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