Frightful's Mountain Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Frightful's Mountain Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through "Frightful Feels the Call to the Sky" - "Destiny is on Wing" and Afterword.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Screamer die?
(a) He is electrocuted by a transformer.
(b) He is hit by an airplane.
(c) He is hit by a semi-truck.
(d) He is poisoned by DDT.

2. Who does Perry Knowlton call when he first sees Frightful wearing jesses on the bridge in "Sam Battles Bird Instincts"?
(a) Flip Pearson.
(b) Mrs. Strawberry.
(c) Sam Gribley.
(d) Jon Wood.

3. About how many days old are the eyases when they grow their second, heavier coat of natal down?
(a) 14.
(b) 12.
(c) 16.
(d) 10.

4. What are referred to as "the lions of the woodland birds" in "Frightful Takes Off" (14)?
(a) Red-tailed hawks.
(b) Goshawks.
(c) Great horned owls.
(d) Golden eagles.

5. Where by the Isthmus of Panama does Frightful land in a mangrove tree and stay for three days on her journey home in "The Earth Calls Frightful"?
(a) Barro Colorado Island.
(b) Blue Reef Island.
(c) Gardner's Island.
(d) Espanola Island.

Short Answer Questions

1. The lineman from the electric company tells Jon Wood that he has been given orders to change the wires on how many transformers in "Hunger is Frightful's Teacher"?

2. Who is the eyas that has been left behind by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services men in "Sam Takes Charge"?

3. What does Frightful feed to her eyas in the end of "Sam Battles Bird Instincts"?

4. What prey does Mole allow Frightful to take during their "hunting excursions" in "The Eyases Get on Wing"?

5. What kind of bird is Mr. Freeze?

(see the answer key)

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