Frida, a Biography of Frida Kahlo Test | Final Test - Easy

Hayden Herrera
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Frida, a Biography of Frida Kahlo Test | Final Test - Easy

Hayden Herrera
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What movement did Kahlo learn about while staying in Paris?
(a) Anarchist movement.
(b) The Surrealist movement.
(c) Impressionism movement.
(d) Resistance movement.

2. What did Kahlo claim that she never knew she was until it was put upon her in Paris?
(a) Being an Impressionist.
(b) Being a Resistance fighter.
(c) Being an Anarchist.
(d) Being a Surrealist.

3. How old was Rivera when he and Kahlo remarried?
(a) Thirty-four.
(b) Sixty-four.
(c) Fifty-four.
(d) Forty-four.

4. Rivera despaired Kahlo's illness; what did he tell people he would do if he was stronger?
(a) Kill her to relieve her suffering.
(b) Leave her.
(c) Stay with her.
(d) Find a way to relieve her pain.

5. What part of Kahlo's body was amputated?
(a) Her foot.
(b) Her hand.
(c) Her arm.
(d) Her leg.

6. What painting did Kahlo create that was a shock to people, and brought an already-difficult subject in the foreground by painting right into the frame?
(a) The suicide of Dolly Hotkins.
(b) The suicide of Dorothy Hale.
(c) The suicide of Dara Holbrook.
(d) The suicide of Danica Hull.

7. What did Kahlo write in her diary just days before her death?
(a) "I hope the exit is beautiful - and I hope to come back - Frida."
(b) "I hope the exit is joyful - and I hope never to come back - Frida."
(c) "I hope the exit is colorful - and I hope to come back - Frida."
(d) "I hope the exit is quiet - and I hope never to come back - Frida."

8. Where did Kahlo stay briefly after leaving Paris?
(a) Detroit.
(b) Miami.
(c) New York.
(d) San Fransico.

9. What type of teaching style did Kahlo use?
(a) Passive.
(b) Unstructured.
(c) Authoritative.
(d) Regimented.

10. Now that Kahlo's career had begun to take off, where was her work finally being recognized?
(a) America.
(b) In her own country.
(c) Asia.
(d) Europe.

11. What did Kahlo and Rivera say the success of their marriage depended on besides humor, social conscience, intelligence?
(a) Strong affinity for Mexicanism and bohemian ways.
(b) Independence and affairs.
(c) Bohemian ways and independence.
(d) Strong affinity for Mexicanism and independence.

12. What did Kahlo refuse to do with her paintings, despite her need to sell paintings to live?
(a) Sell at discount prices.
(b) Make her work more salable in order to gain profits.
(c) Mass produce her work.
(d) Do more self-portraits for people.

13. What began to happen as Kahlo started to lose her grip on life?
(a) Her behavior became angry and more violent.
(b) She became depressed and withdrawn.
(c) Her behavior became wild and more erratic.
(d) She became hyper and inflicted pain on herself.

14. Who was listed as a prime suspect in the attempted assassination of Trotsky?
(a) Marin.
(b) Rivera.
(c) Muray.
(d) Kahlo.

15. What was the name of the painting that Kahlo created to depict the pain she was suffering through?
(a) The Little Dove.
(b) The Little Bird.
(c) The Little Deer.
(d) The Little Lamb.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Kahlo move out of the people's home she was staying with in Paris and into her own apartment?

2. In Chapter 21, what did Kahlo continue to paint the changing landscape of?

3. What was the name of the patron who commissioned Kahlo to paint a portrait for the New York Opening of Kahlo's art exhibit?

4. Whose children came to represent family for Kahlo since she couldn't have children of her own?

5. What did Kahlo receive that helped her to get over the loss of her body part?

(see the answer keys)

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