Fresh Water For Flowers Character Descriptions

Valérie Perrin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fresh Water For Flowers Character Descriptions

Valérie Perrin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Violette Trenet Toussaint

This character works as a crossing-guard and a cemetery caretaker. This character loses a child when that child is 7.

Philippe Toussaint

This character cheats on the character's spouse constantly and doggedly pursues answers as to how the character's young child died.

Leonine Toussaint

This character dies at a young age of suffocation while at a holiday camp with friends.

Julien Seul

This character is a police detective who tries to discover why the character's mother wants to be buried with an apparent stranger.


This character is a generous friend who allows a main character to use the character's chalet at the beach every summer.


This character is a long-time caretaker of a cemetery, and also has a green thumb.

Mother and Father Toussaint

These characters are overbearing, snobbish, and ultimately responsible for a young child's death, though the death was an accident.

Nono, Gaston, and Elvis

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