The French Lieutenant's Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The French Lieutenant's Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Charles not tell Mrs. Tranter and Ernestina of his chance meeting with Sarah on the Ware Commons?
(a) He sees that the women are too involved in other gossip.
(b) He forgets that it ever happened.
(c) He doesn't know how to begin telling them.
(d) He has now become obsessed with the enigma of Sarah.

2. What coincidence saves Charles from having to face Ernestina with his lies of omission?
(a) A fire at Aunt Tranter's house.
(b) Ernestina has been called back to London.
(c) A telegram from London saying he is urgently needed.
(d) Aunt Tranter has a heart attack.

3. What does Sarah tell Mrs. Talbot before she leaves?
(a) That she is going back to school.
(b) That she needs to go to London for a higher position.
(c) That Varguennes is returning from France to marry her.
(d) That her brother is coming to Lyme and she will teach his children.

4. In trying to be Victorian polite, what does Ernestina call the woman they see on the Cobb?
(a) The French lieutenant's. . .woman.
(b) The lady of the night.
(c) Old Mrs. Poulteney's companion.
(d) A woman just a bit crazy.

5. How does the bright day affect Charles?
(a) He says it almost makes him not return to London.
(b) He says everything looks unreal.
(c) He says it is rare to see such brightness and he hates it.
(d) He says he will go back to bed.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Charles establish his quarters after his father's death?

2. What shop in Lyme is somewhat famous?

3. What does Sarah ask of Charles?

4. What does Sarah say to prevent her from leaving Lyme and going to London?

5. What expression applied to a boy or girl is guaranteed to despoil their reputation for life?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is special about the Ware Commons?

2. What are the indications of Charles as an eligible bachelor before his engagement to Ernestina?

3. What saves Charles from having to explain why he has been playing with fire?

4. Sarah is described as not beautiful by any standards. What is it that captivates Charles so much when he first sees her face?

5. In Lyme, by some strata of society, Sarah Woodruff is known as the French lieutenant's whore. Ernestina has another name for her. Why and what is it?

6. What does Charles say to Sarah about morality?

7. When Charles and Sarah meet, how does Charles explain his agreeing to come?

8. How does Knowles interject himself into the novel?

9. Why does Sarah suggest that she will not leave Lyme Regis?

10. What had prompted Charles and Ernestina to come to Lyme Regis?

(see the answer keys)

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