The French Lieutenant's Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The French Lieutenant's Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What expression applied to a boy or girl is guaranteed to despoil their reputation for life?
(a) One of the Cobb walker kids.
(b) One of the Dairy Lane kids.
(c) One of the Ware Commons kids.
(d) One of the Lyme Green kids.

2. What had the servants at Winsyatt gossiped about Charles as he visited his uncle.
(a) That Charles deserves better treatment from his uncle.
(b) That rich people are never to be understood.
(c) That he is getting his comeuppance for not having visited his uncle more.
(d) That Mrs. Trotter will be kind to Charles.

3. How does Ernestina react to Charles' suggestion that they elope and go to Paris?
(a) She calls the idea wickedness.
(b) She faints and falls into a chair.
(c) She laughs uproarously.
(d) She runs to pack her bag.

4. What does Knowles say is the most common symptom of wealth in 1867?
(a) Indulgence.
(b) Boredom.
(c) Responsibility.
(d) Neurosis.

5. After parting from Sarah and leaving Sam and Mary, what are Charles' thoughts?
(a) That Sam cannot be trusted with his secret.
(b) The he has been playing with fire.
(c) That he has been scarred for life.
(d) That he is now like Sarah.

Short Answer Questions

1. What resolution does Charles make on his way back to Lyme?

2. What does Charles notice that shocks Ernestina?

3. Why did Charles urge Ernestina to disagree with him about something?

4. What does Sarah ask of Charles?

5. How does the butler sum up the feelings of Mrs. Poulteney's staff?

Short Essay Questions

1. What warning does Ernestina give Mary about Sam?

2. Describe the nature of the surprise Ernestina and Charles plan for Aunt Tranter.

3. Describe Charles' reaction to the expected visits with the prim Victorian ladies of Ernestina's acquaintance.

4. What saves Charles from having to explain why he has been playing with fire?

5. What had prompted Charles and Ernestina to come to Lyme Regis?

6. What is the vicar's explanation for the fact that Sarah speaks French when Mrs. Poulteney is shocked at the idea?

7. Describe the conflict in Ernestina over her desire to have a husband and children.

8. When Charles and Sarah meet, how does Charles explain his agreeing to come?

9. How does Mrs. Poulteney attempt to stir up trouble for Mary during the visit in her drawing room?

10. What is special about the Ware Commons?

(see the answer keys)

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