The French Lieutenant's Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The French Lieutenant's Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Charles establish his quarters after his father's death?
(a) In Essex.
(b) In Balmory.
(c) In Wales.
(d) In Kensington.

2. What rests on a table at the bay window of Dr. Grogan's house?
(a) A Gregorian telescope.
(b) A collection of fossils.
(c) A copy of Grey's Anatomy.
(d) Surgical instruments.

3. How did Charles' father rid him of the desire to become a priest?
(a) By sending him to Paris for six months.
(b) By threatening to cut off his inheritance.
(c) By increasing his allowance.
(d) By taking Charles to a brothel.

4. What is Sam's dream about Mary?
(a) She wantonly gives herself to him.
(b) She is the attraction in his gentlemen's shop that brings in customers.
(c) She secretly has a large dowry.
(d) She marries him and has ten children.

5. When Sarah turns to look at Charles, how does he describe the look?
(a) Dark and mystifying.
(b) Mysterious and inviting.
(c) Sensuous and compelling.
(d) As though she looked right through him.

6. What is it about Ernestina that attracts Charles?
(a) She is daring and adventurous.
(b) She is beautiful by male standards.
(c) She stands to inherit a great fortune.
(d) She is so nearly the prim little moppet; yet not quite.

7. For what is Dr. Grogan well known in Lyme?
(a) Making house calls.
(b) Supporting Mrs. Poulteney's Victorianism.
(c) Retelling stories of his experiences.
(d) Taking long walks in the country.

8. What is Charles' thinking as he passes through the vast estate?
(a) That he does not want to live there.
(b) That Ernestina will not be up to running the great house.
(c) That his uncle has let the place go.
(d) That is it soon to be his.

9. What does Knowles say the novelist is?
(a) An authoritarian because he or she writes only by the rules laid down by others.
(b) A plagerist because he or she copies from real life stories.
(c) A deceiver because he or she seldom tells the truth.
(d) A god because he or she creates.

10. What double duty does Sam perform at Mrs. Tranter's door?
(a) He delivers Charles' bouquet for Ernestina and a smaller one for Mary, the maid.
(b) He delivers the flowers along with a singing telegram.
(c) He recites a poem to Mary as he gives her the flowers for Ernestina.
(d) He delivers the flowers for Ernestina and an invitation to a dance for Mary.

11. Why does Mrs. Talbot decide not to rehire Sarah Woodruff?
(a) Her husband flatly refuses to have Sarah back.
(b) She is aghast at the brazenness of Sarah for even coming to see her.
(c) She is afraid of her neighbors' gossip.
(d) She thinks Sarah's experience with the lieutenant would impair her concentration on the children.

12. What is the action between Charles and his servant, Sam, on the bright sunny morning in Dorset?
(a) Stern and overbearing.
(b) Playful and teasing.
(c) At odds with one another.
(d) Silent and moody.

13. What does Charles enjoy about his relationship to Sam?
(a) Watching Sam avoiding the Cockney maids.
(b) The educated, philosophical discussions they have.
(c) Watching Sam make a fool of himself.
(d) Daily chatter and a lapse into schoolboyhood.

14. What is the special relationship between Charles and Mrs. Hawkins?
(a) She knows secrets about Charles that she keeps to herself.
(b) She bears an uncommon resemblance to Charles' late mother.
(c) She is like a mother to him because of her nurturing when he was a boy.
(d) She always bakes his favorite desserts.

15. What gives Charles a free day to go do some digging?
(a) Ernestina has a migraine.
(b) Ernestina returns to London.
(c) Ernestina is upset and will not see him.
(d) Ernestina falls on Aunt Tranter's stairs.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Charles notice that shocks Ernestina?

2. At that time in London, what is socially becoming as important as good blood?

3. Why did Charles urge Ernestina to disagree with him about something?

4. What is Ernestina's great fear about marriage?

5. What is Knowles' opinion of the way Charles is dressed for his brisk walk?

(see the answer keys)

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