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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. In "The Passer-Through-Walls", what name did the main character give himself during his thievery?
(a) "The Ghost."
(b) "The Fox."
(c) "The Werewolf."
(d) "The Storm."
2. What does the youngest son ask of the prodigal son?
(a) To leave with him.
(b) To stay and comfort mother.
(c) To talk him out of leaving.
(d) To keep the family from looking for him.
3. How did Mauriac live as a child?
(a) In a poetic trance.
(b) In a static pathway.
(c) In a nightmare.
(d) In fear.
4. What story made Judas want to hide?
(a) The Lost Sheep.
(b) The Sower.
(c) The Wedding Feast.
(d) The story of Lazarus and the Rich Man.
5. What was Camus' occupation at the beginning of the war?
(a) Journalist.
(b) Painter.
(c) Sculptor.
(d) Photographer.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who spoke the following quote about Mauriac: "God is not an artist, and neither is M. Mauriac"?
2. What is the first facial feature that Daru notices about the Arab?
3. What is the name the children gave to the school buses that picked them up for school in "Grand-Lebrun"?
4. In "The Guest", how many men is the schoolteacher waiting on to climb the hill to the school house?
5. How many years was Judas in the service of Jesus?
Short Essay Questions
1. According to the narrator in "Grand-Lebrun," what causes children to look for God?
2. Why did the narrator live in a "poetic trance" while at Grand-Lebrun?
3. Why is the eldest son harsher than the father is regarding the prodigal son?
4. Why is the Arab being transported to another village in "The Guest?"
5. Describe Dutilleul in "The Passer-Through-Walls."
6. What happened to Dutilleul's superior because of the scare that Dutilleul gave him?
7. Who was "caught" by Jesus, according to Judas?
8. Why does the prodigal son's older brother claim to be different from the prodigal son?
9. According to the editor, why is Francois Mauriac "one of the most sensitive witnesses of our threatened world?"
10. In "Grand-Lebrun," why does the narrator choose to recall his time at his former school?
This section contains 733 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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