Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why does Paul say people suffer?
2. What is one of the different periods of serfdom?
3. Is it still possible for the upper class to experience personal freedom even when their civic freedom is severely limited by the princeps?
4. As what do his views become known?
5. He extols the virtue of the ruler as what for the populace?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why does the populace accept Augustus?
2. What happens when Christianity appears?
3. How have women's lives begun to change?
4. What is Reactionary Stoicism?
5. What is freedom at this time?
6. What is Paul's role in shaping Christianity?
7. In trying to define the relationship between church and state, four interpretations are proposed by Patterson. What are these interpretations?
8. What phases exist in the development of early Christianity?
9. Two questions arise from Paul's theology. What are we saved from? To whom or what are we enslaved? What are the answers?
10. What is Reformist Stoicism?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
By medieval times, Europe makes the transition from slavery to serfdom.
Part 1) Compare slavery to serfdom. Why does the end of the Roman Empire not end slavery?
Part 2) Why do historians down play the role of freedom during this period of time?
Part 3) Who controls freedom at this time? How do people at this time think of freedom? Why?
Essay Topic 2
Augustus sets the pace for the interpretations of freedom that will define the European chordal triad for the next 1,500 years.
Part 1) Who is Augustus? How does he set the pace?
Part 2) Why is he so influential? What power does he have over the region?
Part 3) How does Augustus change his persona for his people? Why does he do this?
Essay Topic 3
The introduction of foreign slavery enhances the native attributes of the freedman.
Part 1) When and where was foreign slavery introduced? Why was it introduced?
Part 2) How does it affect the meaning of freedom and who was free?
Part 3) How is this idea of nativity relating to a freedman reflected in societies today in various social classes?
This section contains 1,250 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |