Freedom (novel) Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Freedom (novel) Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Mistakes Were Made (Conclusion)," Richard informs Patty that he has done what?
(a) Taken a role in a movie.
(b) Made a present for Walter.
(c) Gotten married.
(d) Bought a house in Los Angeles.

2. While in college, Joey is torn between what two emotions?
(a) His love of money and his desire for success.
(b) His love of school and his desire to work.
(c) His love for his family and his desire for independence.
(d) His love for Connie and his desire for freedom.

3. Where does Joey get the money to invest in this latest business venture in "2004"?
(a) Jenna.
(b) His mother.
(c) He steals it.
(d) Connie.

4. Before they part in "Mistakes Were Made (Conclusion)," Richard advises Patty do do what?
(a) Donate to Walter's preserve.
(b) Tell Walter a story.
(c) Write Walter a song.
(d) Leave Walter alone.

5. What does Patty demand from her mother in "Mistakes Were Made (Conclusion)"?
(a) She wants to know why her mother never attended her basketball games.
(b) She wants to know why her mother never took her to the police.
(c) She wants to know why her mother never loved her.
(d) She wants to know why her mother never called her.

Short Answer Questions

1. Walter hates what predator?

2. At the end of "2004," Walter thinks that he is what?

3. When Walter and Lalitha arrive at the construction site in "2004," what do they find?

4. As Lalitha lay dying, Walter is meeting with whom?

5. In "Mistakes Were Made (Conclusion)," what does Richard want Patty to do?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Walter and Lalitha's relationship in "The Nice Man's Anger."

2. What surprises Patty at her father's funeral? What effect does this have on her?

3. What happens when Patty confronts her mother about her basketball years?

4. What happens to Joey's wedding ring? What does this situation teach Joey?

5. Why does Walter hate cats so much?

6. How does Walter end up reading Patty's autobiography? What is the result of this action?

7. In "The Fiend of Athens," what happens when Walter delivers a speech?

8. What is Free Space?

9. What does Patty realize about herself and her siblings?

10. Briefly describe Joey's relationship with Connie as related in "Womanland."

(see the answer keys)

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