Freedom (novel) Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Freedom (novel) Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While traveling with Jenna, what causes Joey to realize the depth of his love for Connie?
(a) Seeing Connie with another man.
(b) The act of retrieving his wedding ring.
(c) A particularly bad nightmare.
(d) Learning that Jenna does not like him.

2. What does Patty learn about herself after leaving Richard in "Mistakes Were Made (Conclusion)"?
(a) She has a talent for writing.
(b) She enjoys making art.
(c) She has an affinity for working with children.
(d) She wants to become a lawyer.

3. Who startles Joey with her great beauty in "2004"?
(a) Jenna.
(b) Lalitha.
(c) Eliza.
(d) Victoria.

4. What is Patty's other responsibility at her school in "Mistakes Were Made (Conclusion)"?
(a) She moderates the newspaper.
(b) She works as a crossing guard.
(c) She heads the Student Council.
(d) She coaches basketball.

5. Where is Joey accompanying Jenna after her mother is injured?
(a) Poland.
(b) Portugal.
(c) Patagonia.
(d) Papua New Guinea.

6. Joey is tasked with what job toward the end of the "2004" section?
(a) Finding material to sell to the military.
(b) Meeting with the troops in Iraq.
(c) Fetching coffee for the company bigwigs.
(d) Filing reports and delivering mail.

7. What is the status of Joey and Connie's relationship as he is traveling with Jenna?
(a) They have broken up.
(b) They are engaged.
(c) They have an open relationship.
(d) They have secretly married.

8. What is the name of Walter's grandfather?
(a) Edward Berglund.
(b) Ezra Berglund.
(c) Eli Berglund.
(d) Einar Berglund.

9. What bird is Walter tasked with saving?
(a) The white dove.
(b) The gray falcon.
(c) The cerulean warbler.
(d) The red robin.

10. How does Patty feel upon learning of Lalitha's death?
(a) She feels anxious.
(b) She feels happy.
(c) She feels conflicted.
(d) She feels excited.

11. What is the name of the boy Joey befriends while in college?
(a) Blake.
(b) Vin.
(c) Jonathan.
(d) Kenny.

12. How is Lalitha suddenly killed?
(a) In a car accident.
(b) In a terrorist attack.
(c) In a construction site accident.
(d) In a case of mistaken identity.

13. Joey impresses his friend's father by engaging him in what sort of discussion?
(a) A literary discussion.
(b) A humorous discussion.
(c) An economic discussion.
(d) A politcal discussion.

14. "Mistakes Were Made (Conclusion)" is written how many years after Lalitha's death?
(a) Eight.
(b) Six.
(c) Five.
(d) Ten.

15. Whom does Patty meet on the street one day in "Mistakes Were Made (Conclusion)"?
(a) Joey.
(b) Richard.
(c) Eliza.
(d) Carol.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Patty go to stay after leaving the hotel in "Mistakes Were Made (Conclusion)"?

2. With whom does Patty stay after leaving Richard in "Mistakes Were Made (Conclusion)"?

3. When Walter and Lalitha arrive at the construction site in "2004," what do they find?

4. In "Mistakes Were Made (Conclusion)," what does Richard want Patty to do?

5. In "2004," Walter wants Richard to host what?

(see the answer keys)

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