Freedom (novel) Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Freedom (novel) Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Mistakes Were Made (Conclusion).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Patty's other responsibility at her school in "Mistakes Were Made (Conclusion)"?
(a) She heads the Student Council.
(b) She works as a crossing guard.
(c) She moderates the newspaper.
(d) She coaches basketball.

2. When Joey finally sees the materials he is to purchase for his job in "2004," what dismays him?
(a) The seller refuses to ship overseas.
(b) There is not enough to meet the weight requirement.
(c) The seller takes his money and forces him to leave.
(d) The parts are rusted and unusable.

3. When Joey goes for awhile without speaking with Connie, Joey receives an irate call from whom?
(a) Connie.
(b) Patty.
(c) Walter.
(d) Carol.

4. While traveling with Jenna, what causes Joey to realize the depth of his love for Connie?
(a) Seeing Connie with another man.
(b) The act of retrieving his wedding ring.
(c) A particularly bad nightmare.
(d) Learning that Jenna does not like him.

5. Why do Patty and Walter travel to Grand Rapids in "Good Neighbors"?
(a) Walter has a business meeting.
(b) Walter's mother has fallen ill.
(c) Patty's old friends are in town.
(d) The Traumatics are playing a gig.

Short Answer Questions

1. What controversial technique is Walter's company undertaking in "2004"?

2. Carol tells everyone that, upon leaving his parents, Joey was very what?

3. Patty and Walter marry how many weeks after Patty graduates from college?

4. Who is the first of Patty's nonathletic friends in "Mistakes Were Made"?

5. How is Lalitha suddenly killed?

(see the answer key)

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